Chapter 14 - Tatsuyas Childhood

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Tatsuya at the age of 14:

The landscape was covered with a thick layer of snow, and the cool air pleasantly nipped at my face. Everything seemed so calm and harmonious. But suddenly, the cries of a newborn baby pierced through the silence.

"Tatsuya, come here," said a gentle but exhausted voice. I entered my parents chamber and saw my mother sitting on the bed, her arms lovingly cradling something wrapped in a cloth. My father stood beside her, placing his hand proudly and blissfully on my shoulder. "Say hello to your little brother", he said with a radiant smile. I looked down and saw large, black pupils staring curiously at me. My heart melted at the sight. So tiny and wrinkled. Carefully, I reached out my hand and the little one grasped my fingers with his tiny hand. His fingers were so small that he could barely hold onto my thumb. "My brother", I whispered softly to myself and couldn't help but smile.

"How do you like the name Ryota?" my father asked me affectionately. "Ryota?" I repeated the name and pondered for a moment. Then I nodded in agreement. "Yes, Ryota is a wonderful name". I felt a special connection forming with the little being in my arms. "Your big brother will always look after you, Ryota", I whispered to him. To my surprise, Ryota responded with a soft giggle, as if he could understand my words.

The birth of my little brother, Ryota, was a true blessing and a source of joy throughout the estate. For a long time, my parents had tried to have more children and they had almost given up hope. I, too, had always wished for a younger brother or sister, just like many of our relatives and acquaintances had.

The joy over the arrival of the healthy boy was simply overwhelming. While my mother rested with Ryota, my father eagerly prepared everything for the celebration of his second-born son's birth. I enthusiastically helped with all the preparations. There was no room in my heart for competition or envy towards Ryota. On the contrary, I was filled with anticipation for the time we would spend together. I wanted to teach him sword fighting, go hunting with him and Father or simply read stories to him. Finally, I felt less lonely. My parents were loving and spent a lot of time with me, but until now, I had hardly any contact with other children. Many were afraid of my appearance, and there were nasty rumors circulating about our family.

Our father, a formidable swordsman, kept the monsters in check in the North and the power of Dark Magic flowed through our veins. Moreover, our family descended from ancient dragons, so it was not unusual for some to be born with horns in each generation. Although we never did anything evil, we were feared and shunned by other nobles and villagers. They labeled us as monsters, not as humans. However, now with Ryota by my side, I felt loved and accepted. He smiled at me without fear and reached for my hand.

The anticipation of the future with my little brother filled my heart with warmth. I knew that we would strengthen and support each other, and together, we could overcome any obstacles that life would throw our way. With Ryota by my side, I felt strong and full of confidence, knowing that our bond as brothers would endure forever.

The invitations had been sent, and everything had been meticulously prepared for the upcoming celebration. In the days leading up to the festivity, after my lessons, I helped my father with his work and then visited Ryota and my mother. Time passed like a wonderful dream, until the evening before the celebration arrived.

Ryota now had his own room, and I often sneaked out of mine to visit his. This evening was no exception. The night was quiet and cloudless and I was brimming with excitement to introduce my little brother to everyone. I stood up and walked slowly towards the door. However, suddenly, I stopped in my tracks as I heard footsteps in the hallway. At this late hour, there should have been no servants around. Hesitantly, I opened the door slightly and gazed through. To my horror, I saw several figures dressed in black robes, sneaking through the corridors. An icy draft flowed through the gap, and an eerie chill ran down my spine.

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