Chapter 6 - my newfound vanity

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The restlessness that filled the hallway had spread like a shadow over the entire estate. The whispering of the servants and the soft murmurs of the maidservants reached me faintly through the heavy wooden doors as I attended to my young friend. His face was pale and marked with exertion, but his eyes radiated determination.

"We should inform the others that you are with me," I said, concerned. His gaze indicated reluctant agreement. "But I don't want to go back to my chambers just yet. It's so boring lying in bed. I'm already feeling better," he replied resolutely.

Although I could understand his restlessness, I was aware of the others' worries and the doctor's instructions for bed rest. "The others are worried about you, and I have been ordered to ensure bed rest too," I explained gently. "But we can let them know that you are here with me and feeling well. Tomorrow, we could ask if you could show me around the estate. If you'd like?"

A troubled expression crossed his face, but eventually, he nodded curtly and agreed. "All right," he answered softly.

I rang the handbell, and after a few minutes, Isabella entered the room. She seemed equally surprised and relieved to find me and Ryota there. "You called, Lord Hik... young prince?!" she stammered, still slightly confused. "The entire estate has been searching for you. You should have stayed in bed," she added, concerned and compassionate.

Ryota sighed slightly annoyed, but he showed understanding. "It's fine. I'll go back to my chambers now," he said, slowly rising from his seat. "See you tomorrow," he bid farewell with a shy smile before leaving the room.

Now I was alone in my room again. I stood up and walked to the balcony, which offered a breathtaking view of the snow-covered landscape. A cold gust of wind gently brushed against my skin as I opened the doors. I took a deep breath of the cool, refreshing air and admired the enchanting nature.

A feeling of relief filled me as I enjoyed the cold wind on my skin. The cold was preferable to the oppressive heat that even heated the basement room. I closed the balcony doors and returned to my room.

In my absence, the nature spirits had lit the fire in the fireplace, and I cozied up to it. The flames crackled and cast a warm light. I watched the play of the flames and let my thoughts wander.

In a moment of recollection, my gaze fell upon my travel bag, which I had previously left untouched in a corner of the room. Curiously, I retrieved it and began unpacking the few items. Three books lay inside, their pages brittle and their ink faded.

I examined them in the warm glow of the fireplace and decided to give them some attention. I applied my cleansing magic to the books, and to my amazement, they transformed before my eyes. The once dilapidated works suddenly shone like new.

Finally, I could read them in their entirety without struggling to decipher a few lines or words. Perhaps they would help me in my current situation. I picked up the first book, whose cover had looked particularly worn before. Now I could finally make out the title: "Enchanted Elixirs: The Alchemical Art of Healing and Transformation."


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