Chapter 17.5

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After leaving the Duke's study, Wolfram made his way through the elegant corridors of the estate. His mind wandered to the tasks ahead and the unexpected events of the day. Suddenly, he was interrupted by a familiar face.

"Ah, Wolfram, there you are. I've been looking for you," said Isabella, one of the servants of the Duke, with a friendly smile. "There are some important matters we need to discuss. Please come with me." She led him to a secluded part of the estate, where they settled in a cozy lounge.

Isabella explained that there were rumors of suspicious activities in the vicinity of the estate. Some villagers reported hearing unusual noises and seeing strange lights in the nearby forest. It was suspected that this could be the work of poachers or even magical creatures.

Wolfram listened attentively and immediately began taking notes. As a loyal servant of the Duke, he felt obligated to take this matter seriously and take measures to protect the estate. He decided to organize a group of guards to patrol the forest and search for potential threats.

After bidding farewell to Isabella, Wolfram hurried to the stables to gather the guards. Once he had assembled the men and women, he explained the situation and instructed them to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity. Together, they set off into the forest, ready to confront the secrets and dangers that lurked within.

As the group ventured resolutely into the impenetrable forest, a frightening silence descended, sharpening their senses and sending shivers down their spines. Light filtered only sparsely through the dense canopy of leaves and the ground was covered in an impenetrable carpet of snow. Every crack of a twig beneath their feet seemed to echo like a loud scream in the stillness.

Leading the group, Wolfram felt his heart rate quicken. He was aware that the forest was filled not only with secrets but also with dangers. As they pushed deeper into the thick undergrowth, the air around them suddenly turned icy cold, and an ominous feeling of oppression settled over the group.

Suddenly, they heard a faint rustling behind them, followed by a menacing growl. Wolfram swiftly turned around and saw a horde of wild beasts emerging from the shadows of the forest, their eyes gleaming dangerously in the semi-darkness, and their teeth flashing in the dim light.

"To arms!" Wolfram roared, and the guards bravely plunged into battle. A wild melee ensued as the guards fought against the beasts, which descended upon them like hungry predators. The clash of steel against steel mingled with the roaring cries of the combatants, and the forest echoed with the sounds of the skirmish.

The guards fought with the desperation of those who know their lives are at stake. Every blow, every strike was a fight for survival as they battled against the wild beasts that surrounded them.

But despite the overwhelming odds, the guards did not falter. With unwavering courage and determination, they continued to fight until the last beasts were defeated, and the silence of the forest returned.

As they emerged from the fray, exhausted but victorious, they felt a deep sense of relief. Yet, they also knew that the forest still held many secrets, and that they must remain vigilant to protect the estate and its inhabitants from the dangers lurking in the shadows.

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