Chapter 4 - my new life (2)

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But my gaze was instantly captivated by the imposing young man before me. Wow, how can someone look so breathtaking? I have seen some beautiful people in my life, but he is truly perfection. With his muscular body that I could only dream of and his face resembling that of an idol, he definitely deserves a 10 out of 10. His black eyes and dark hair give him a mysterious allure, but what fascinates me the most are his majestic black horns proudly adorning his head. They fit him perfectly and radiate a supernatural power that utterly mesmerizes me. It's almost impossible to look away from him.

(Duke Drakonov)Fortunately, my hood conceals my face, allowing me to somewhat hide my excitement

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(Duke Drakonov)

Fortunately, my hood conceals my face, allowing me to somewhat hide my excitement. However, as I noticed his intense gaze, I became aware that he had also noticed me. It's only now that I realize that the others around him possess animalistic features like ears or tails.

What a cliché that these so-called beastfolk are looked down upon by ordinary humans. It seems that here, it's just like in the stories I used to devour. Everyone is staring at me skeptically and disdainfully, as if I were an unwanted intruder in their world.

"Apologies," Sir Haldor explained, a mocking grin on his lips, "but it seems our young lord is quite exhausted from the long journey, hence his silence." The other knights, busy loading the luggage into the carriage, struggled to hold back mischievous laughter. They were clearly amused by the situation.

Lost in my thoughts, I failed to even greet the duke, whose land I had now entered. No wonder everyone looked at me with skepticism and disdain. How rude and conceited I must have seemed, not even removing my hood. But as long as the knights were nearby, I didn't want to do anything hasty. Nonetheless, my first impression could undoubtedly have been better.

"But of course, if you would follow me, I will take you to your chambers," said the butler politely, standing beside the imposing duke. The butler himself was a young man with brown hair and dog ears, one was slightly folded over. He reminded me of the golden retriever my neighbors used to have, as he exuded an extremely gentle and friendly aura, which was further enhanced by his honey-colored eyes. "Is this all you have brought?" he asked, surveying me and my small brown travel bag. Before I could answer, I was interrupted by Sir Haldor. "We have confidence that you will take excellent care of our young lord and that he will lack nothing." With those words, the knights bid a brief and curt farewell, mounted their horses and rode off without looking back. What a poor performance, I thought to myself, but I was glad it was finally over.

Der Butler approached me and took my bag. "Well then, if you would please follow me, Your Holiness." It was extremely unsettling to be addressed like that. I followed the butler, casting one last glance at the duke as we walked. A chilling shiver ran down my spine. If looks could kill... But that wouldn't discourage me. I would finally start my new life here. Although the thought still pained me that I would likely never see my old family again, I hoped the same would be true for my new family. I had nothing and no one to lose. It was time to live my life the way I wanted. As we made our way through the estate, I noticed that it was quite neglected and poorly furnished. I suppose they call it a bachelor pad, Duke-style. I joked to myself in my thoughts.

"We have arrived. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to call for us," the butler said, gesturing toward a hand bell on the bedside table. "I hope the room meets your expectations, and please rest well, Your Holiness." The room was smaller and less luxurious than the one at my family's estate, but it was far better than the dark cellar and more than enough for me. There was a cozy fireplace in front of a huge bed, along with a massive wooden wardrobe beside it. In one corner of the room, there was a shelf and a desk. But what impressed me the most was the balcony, offering a picturesque view of the surrounding countryside.

The butler paused before he was leaving the room and turned to me once again. "Forgive my impertinence, but do you know when you will be able to heal someone? I don't mean to intrude, but... forgive my bluntness," he said with clear concern and nervousness in his voice. He seemed deeply troubled by it. Almost as he was about to close the door behind him, I called out to him, "Wait!" Surprised, he returned to the room, his face filled with worry. He must have feared that I would punished him for his statement. "I don't need to rest, I can attend to someone immediately," I said to him. His somber face brightened, and his ears twitched with delight. Oh, how much I wanted to touch them, but I restrained myself.

"But of course, Your Holiness. Please follow me, and I will take you to the patient immediately," the butler replied hastily. I followed him, feeling a mixture of excitement and unease within me. I had never healed anyone before, let alone someone with a life-threatening illness. What if I couldn't heal him? What if my powers were not enough? Self-doubt consumed me with each step. Eventually, the butler stopped in front of a door and hesitated for a moment before opening it. The room was shrouded in darkness as the curtains were drawn. However, I could hear heavy breathing. I approached the person lying in the bed cautiously. It was a young boy.

A dark purple rash covered his entire body and face. His breathing was labored, and he seemed to be in great pain. I had never seen anything like it before. Upon closer inspection, I noticed the resemblance to the Duke. The word "brothers" shot into my mind immediately. That's why he urgently needed a healer. His little brother was fighting for his life.

I took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of determination and nervousness spreading within me. With a fluid motion, I pushed aside the fabric and revealed my face. The expression on the butler's face next to me transformed into surprise as he recognized my appearance. My unusual features were unexpected to many.

I gently placed my hands on the boy's body and felt my magic flowing through my fingertips into him. However, the disease that afflicted him was stubborn and resisted my intervention. Nevertheless, I would not give up. I closed my eyes and focused on the flow of my inner powers. My breath mingled with the boy's as I attempted to overcome the illness.

A bright light filled the room as my powers pulsated with intense energy. I felt my body tense, and my blood seemed to boil. Tears welled up in my eyes. I fought against the pain that pierced my mind like searing needles. But I refused to give in.

With each passing second, breathing became more difficult, and I had to strengthen my inner resistance. I had not reached my limit yet. The boundaries of my magic needed to be pushed further. The world around me blurred as I fought through the darkness. There was no choice but to move forward, no matter the cost.

And then, suddenly, the bright light vanished. I collapsed to my knees, breathing heavily. Exhaustion coursed through my body as I leaned against the floor, drained. My eyes focused on the boy, now peacefully asleep. A smile spread across my face as I saw the rash that had marked his body disappear. I had done it.

(the little brother)

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(the little brother)

Staggering to my feet, I tried to regain my balance. My head throbbed with pain, but the joy of my success outweighed any discomfort. The butler cautiously approached me, his face filled with relief and gratitude. However, his words didn't reach me. Everything turned black, and I felt exhaustion overwhelm me. Yet, in that moment of darkness, I was filled with contentment. I had given my all and saved the boy's life.

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