chapter 12 - my first battle

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The sun slowly sank behind the horizon as the supply of healing potions was running low. Many of the residents had now become friendly and seemed to have forgotten their initial distrust towards me. However, there were also skeptics who did not welcome my presence here with joy. Many of the beastfolk had had bad experiences with humans. Among them, there were also elves, and I even encountered some dwarves who were mostly occupied in the mines.

It's a colorful mix gathered here. Although life in this area is harsh, it had become a home for them. Most of them were seeking refuge as they had lost their old homeland due to wars, monster attacks, or looting. Although they feared Tatsuya, they also held great respect for him. His stern face might seem intimidating, but his smile was enchanting.

I bid farewell to the residents, and the knights began reloading the empty crates onto the carriage. Just as we were about to depart, a knight approached us. He rode swiftly on a horse, gasping for breath, "Duke Drakonov, scouts have spotted a horde of goblins in the east." The faces of the knights and Tatsuya instantly turned serious. "Kiyoshi, you stay here and inform the residents", said Tatsuya to the former one-handed knight. Then he turned to Raven. "You safely escort him back to the estate", he said curtly and mounted a horse, followed by the other knights. They rode off hastily.

Isabella and Raven escorted me back to the carriage and we quickly began our departure. Raven stayed outside with the coachman to keep an eye on the surroundings, while Isabella sat across from me. She seemed tense. Goblins... I hadn't encountered any of these creatures in this world so far, and my only knowledge of them came from video games where they were often seen as beginner-level monsters. Curious, I turned to Isabella and asked, "Are goblins really that dangerous?" An expression of disbelief appeared on her face. She could hardly believe that there was someone in this world who wasn't familiar with goblins.

After a brief moment of surprise, she composed herself and explained, "A single goblin alone wouldn't pose much of a problem for an experienced knight or adventurer. They are not particularly strong, and a lone wolf would probably be more dangerous. However, they should never be underestimated. Goblins are monsters with a certain level of intelligence and they are capable of learning. That's why they have learned to use weapons and are familiar with simple traps and tactical maneuvers. Although their tactics are rather simple, they can still inflict significant damage... especially when they attack in large numbers. There are reports of entire villages being destroyed by their raids," she explained with a concerned look. "Furthermore, they tend to form alliances with other monsters to enhance their attacking power," she added, underscoring the danger posed by these creatures.

Just as we realized that our supply of healing potions was depleted, I wished I had crafted more to provide them to the knights on the battlefield. As we made our way back to the estate, we saw a reddish light flickering in the darkness, casting an alarming glow over the sky. The sun had almost completely set, and the somber shimmer of the night settled upon the land. Despite the urgent situation, we reached the estate without further incidents.

There was a burst of activity as the staff secured the estate and the knights prepared their weapons to confront the enemy. Raven and Isabella accompanied me inside the estate, where Ryota was already waiting for my arrival. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw me and his eyes bore witness to the tension in the air. Now, all we could do was wait as the soldiers did their best to avert the danger.

"In which area are the injured brought?" I asked Isabella and Raven to better understand the situation. Isabella promptly responded, "The injured are initially given emergency care on-spot and then transported to the clinic". My curiosity was piqued, and I inquired further, "Clinic?" Isabella patiently explained, "The clinic is a room next to the training hall that serves as a temporary shelter during attacks. There, Dr. Weber, along with the staff, tends to the injured and provides medical treatment". Her words emphasized the seriousness of the situation and the necessity of organized medical care amidst the battle.

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