𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪

705 10 1

• Such a doting boyfriend, caring, you're his baby.

• he's so cheery, he radiates sunlight. His soft smiles is infectious.

• hugs, hugs, hugs. Bearhugs, long hugs. His hands needs to be on your body. A hug a day keeps you smiling all day <3

"hi sweets, miss you so much" grabby hands pulling you into his embrace and kissing you deeply.

"hi ty. miss you too" mumbling through kisses.

"mhm. you're so pretty" not letting go of your lips.

• He's a patient and calm guy

• He begs for your attention by staring at you until you realises.

• He'll smother you in kisses once he gets you

"Ty stop staring, you're gonna have dry eyes" no answer just keep staring.

Puffing out a small sigh. "Fine, what do you need baby?"

"you." he shrugs. You did ask.

• overprotective. Your happiness and safety comes first

• Hates seeing you other than happy with him

• Say the word he'll settle each of your problems. Always with you if possible.

You were sitting on one of the park benches waiting for him to buy something. A guy approaches and hits on you.

"What's a girl doing here all alone huh?"

"I'm with my boyfriend. Thank you for asking"

"a sassy one, I bet you i could control that attitude huh? You'll like that huh?" creepily snakes his hands on your thighs.

Slapping his hand away and standing up away from him.

"Get the fuck away from my girl" Tyler grabs the guy collar shoving the creep away from you.

He immediately pulls you away to somewhere of private, concern flooding him.

"You ok sweets? Did he do anything?" he holds you softly trying to find anything wrong.

"I'm ok ty, he just touched my thighs"

• He wasn't one to mess with. He's pissed and it wasn't a good look

• Out into the night he makes the move to find the guy who harrased you

• The next day, news comes that the guy who harrased you suddenly died?

"Ty baby, look. The guy yesterday, he was found dead in his house. What a weird coincidence"

"mhm yeah. Atleast we know he's not gonna bother other people anymore right?" he queries while kissing your forehead.

• He's so devoted to you. You're his and he's yours <3

• His socials is just filled with you. Proudly showing off his girl to his friends.

• Does not hesitate to defend you when his friends makes fun of you for being a freak.

"Dude really? A freak from Nevermore? Thought you hated them" One of the guys laughs.

"Yeah i know right. You stooped so low for a girl like that??"

"Call my girl a freak again, I'll have you looking like a freak" he was pissed.

After that incident, he cuts all contacts with all his friends.

• he knows all your likes and dislikes.

• he'll do anything to keep you happy, his attention is always on you

• Late night calls, dates or even delivering some food for you

Ringing floating through your dorm, picking the phone up. It was Tyler.

"Hi sweets, how's your studies?" he asks. Such a dad fr

"It's good. Taking a break right now, eating some chips" you replied

"Do you want some food? I can send some" he offers

"Nonono need ty, I'm not really hungry just tired yk" declining his offer.

"Alright then, I'll leave you to rest a bit ok? Love you"

"Love you too babe"

Few minutes later he's texting you to meet him at the greenhouse that's connected to the forest. You obeyed anyways.

"Tyler why did you ask me to meet you here? It's dangerous!" you asked.

"Here, i got some leftovers dinner. I made em" He puts a container into your hands.

"I told you I'm not hungry! Tyler don't trouble yourself please"

"so? i want to. Love you anyways" he shrugs off.

You heaved a small sigh just asked him to go back home before anything bad happens. He's your loverboy <3

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Credits: hopeyblogs

𝙒𝙚𝙙𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now