Coronation Gone Wrong

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I wrote this... Because.

I don't even know if I'm bi anymore or a lesbian, I only know I'm sapphic. Still. I wanted Nikolai to have a person. And this was before I found out he ends up with... Well I don't want to spoil it for anyone else. But... Shook. Regardless. It has been written. And it should be set free. I have so many drafts I'm too awkward to publish from things I cared for for a time. But there's no shame in letting them fly off.. There shouldn't be. I mostly enjoyed the process. That's worth something. Anyway.. I won't delay you any further. I wish you well. I wish myself well. May we all feel alive.

Ixora's mother had warned her of coming to Ravka for the coronation. Even now, she could remember her words as her heart squeezed painfully in her chest, an invisible pressure forcing her to her knees. All around her, guests were bleeding from their mouths and ears and noses, dropping to the ground like they were nothing. For each human life, she felt herself weaken all the more.

Her first thought;

Why am I not dead yet?

Her second?


Her eyes tried to find the newly ordained, light-haired ruler but it was too hard to see. She could barely see her own hands clawing for a mercy that was not there, the world a blurred mess. The scent in the air was sickening, however. She would throw up if she could even breathe. Oh God, she was going to be too late. She couldn't save him.

As her life fled from her chest, she found herself thinking of her mother, again. She would miss her. She would miss her home in Novyi Zem, miss the people despite the noise. She would miss seeing the sky and the flora of her home country. Why had she chosen to come here? Why couldn't she have just forgotten about him as he did her?

By the time the pain stopped, she had already passed out. As one of the only guests left alive, Nikolai had ordered that she be taken to a medic immediately. However, the moment he saw her face, he rushed to the men handling her and took her in his arms, pained at the recognition. He took her to the Healers himself, ignoring everything else for the moment. He needed to know that she would be okay.

"Please," he hoarsely called out among the hustle and bustle of terrible screams and frantic movement. He knew his title would get him some attention and sure enough, one of the people there quickly rushed to him with widened eyes. Trying to choke down the sobs that begged to leave his throat, he put her down gently on a bed and clenched his fingers around the woman's shoulder. He had already lost so much. Too much.

"She is alive. Isn't she?"

"Her pulse is weak. We need a Heartrender here! The tsar demands it!" He ignored the whispers about him. How could anyone focus on his presence for even a moment with all that was going on in that room? He didn't think about what they might say, blood still rushing wildly in his ears as he held onto her hands tightly.

"Why did you come, Zora... Why, why... Please. Save her."

It didn't take too much. She was a strong woman, after all. A sharp gasp and Ixora was seated upright, coughing up some blood as she held a hand to her chest. The tsar's breathing heaved from him, tainted with relief and loss. It was once he let go that she noticed him for the first time, taking in his dishelleved appearance. Had he been the one keeping her fingers so warm, she wondered, momentarily flustered before she managed to compose herself.

"Moi tsar, you... You're ali- you're bleeding!" She called out. He didn't hear it. He was already out of the room, panic inching through every part of him, something he knew he had to hide. He found himself wishing for Alina in that moment but she had friends to take care of. No one would ever come looking for him, first. And once again, he was left alone...

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