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Madison's POV

The throbbing pain in my head made me groan.

Rolling over I came face to face with my pillows, my soft cuddly pillows... Hold on...

How did I get in my room?!

Memories of last night replayed in my head slowly.

Watching frozen...

Lily answering the door to Jason...

Jason getting angry...

Oh no.

"LILY!" I called our desperately as I ran out of my bedroom and to hers. No one.

"Lily, sweetie?" I called out softer as I ran down the stairs to the living room. No Lily. I tried the Kitchen, again no lily. Then the bathroom, no Lily.

He took her... He took my baby.

I let out a muffled sob as my hand clasped over my mouth. How could he do this? How could he just take my daughter away from me?

I have to find them!

I have to find Lily...


Omniscient POV

2 months had passed.

Madison still had no luck in locating her daughter. Not one single trace of her whereabouts at all.

Jason made sure to keep little Lily under tight supervision.

He felt incredibly bad about taking his daughter the way he did but his anger got the best of him.

He won't take Lily back to Madison because he feels as of now there is no chance Madison will ever let him see Lily. He knows that if he does the right thing, he will lose the new love of his life.

He loves his beautiful little girl. She is his world.

He spoils her with everything a 4 year old girl would want, Jason even tells her that he loves her and he hasn't said that to a girl ever, to anyone actually. He cherishes the little child he created.

Madison was becoming ill due to the fact that she hasn't eaten, slept or even bathed properly in the past 2 months.

She can't cope without her little girl.

She has done everything but go to the police. She is terrified that if she goes to the police, Jason will harm Lily.

Madison has gone to the beach every day since Lily was taken because she knows that its Lily's favourite place. 2 months may not seem like long but for Madison, it feels like its been years since she saw her little girl...

Madison's POV

I let out a shaky breath as I packed up my towel and water bottle into my beach bag.

Another day, another failure.

I just want to see my little girls face, I just need to know that she is okay.

I wiped the stray tear away from under my eyes as my phone began to ring.

"H-hello?" I asked quietly. Not knowing who was on the other end I listened in closely.

"Hey Mads, Sam and I were wondering if you wanted to come out for dinner tonight? At... at Vincenzo's?" Tate's low voice called through the speaker.

Vincenzo's... Lily's favourite Italian restaurant...

"I don't know Tate..." I trailed off, hopping into my car.

"Please Madison, we miss you" I could hear his voice become softer and I realised I haven't seen them for 2 months.

"Okay, I'll be there at 7" I made sure my voice was steady as he replied with a simple "great, see you then" and hung up. Let's just hope I don't have one of my famous breakdowns...


"So, have you found anything?" I heard my sister's soft voice ask as I played with my food.

I replied with a small shake of my head, signalling no.

The loss of Lily has really upset Sam and Tate as well. She is their only niece.

"I just want to put that bastard in jail... How dare he just knock you out and take your daughter! She is your child!" Sam's voice became shaky.

"She is half his" I replied smoothly, not knowing why I was defending the man.

"it doesn't matter, you raised her all by yourself for 4 years, he can't just swoop in and take her."

I stayed silent at Sam's remark and just stared at my food.

Where could he have taken her?

I know that he only had one house when he lived here but he rarely let me over...

Wait... his house!!! Oh my gosh, how could I not have figured that out?!?!?!?

"Guys, I have to go home. I'm not feeling well" I didn't give them a chance to reply as I gathered my stuff and practically ran to my car.

I don't want them getting involved with criminals all because of me. He may not even live there still!

"Please, please, please still be there..." I whispered as I sped down the streets of my home town.

Left, Right, right, left... almost there.

My heart rate started to speed up as I parked in front of the house I was searching for. Lily could be in there!

I slowly walked up to the dark brown door and knocked heavily three times.

My heart rate increased and soon anger filled me as I heard heavy footsteps coming closer...

"can I help you?" a man a few years older then me asked sweetly and I had to attempt to calm myself.

"Does Jason still live here?" I asked a little to fast and rushed.

My heart instantly fell as the next words came out of his mouth...

"I'm sorry but he was the old owner of this house, he no longer lives here"

I gave the man and sad smile and a small thankyou as I walked back towards my car, tears threatening to fall.

"but I do know his new address, if you'd like that?" The man called out. 

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