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Madison's POV

"You have arrived at your destination"

I sat there staring at the beautiful mansion like house. Well at least he has a good place for her to stay... That's if she is even here and if he is treating her nicely...

I didn't run to the door this time, I calmly walked towards the large dark brown entrance while tears filled my eyes. My daughter could be in here...

I hesitated as I branch my hand up to the door and knocked three times.

Please let her be in here... Please...

Footsteps were heard quickly as the door soon opened, revealing a cute boy that looked to be 16.

"Hi, can I help you?" His voice was calm as he gave me a small smile.

"Y-yes, I was just wondering if Jason is h-here?" I asked quietly, trying to calm my nerves. Don't cry Madison, don't cry.

"He sure is, I'll just go get him" he says quickly as he walks back into the lovely house.

My heart rate tripled instantly as heavier footsteps were heard.

I couldn't hold in the tears anymore, I let them slowly fall down my red cheeks.

"Who is i-" his voice abruptly stops as he opens the door to get a better view of me. "Madison..." He gasps quietly.

I tried my hardest to glare at the man before me but all I could muster up was a loud sob.

"P-please Jason... Just g-give me back my Lily" I begged him softly.

"Madison, I don't have her" he lied "I thought she was with you" he added while scratching the back of his neck.

"DONT YOU DARE LIE TO ME!" I shouted, he looked taken back by my outburst "give me my daughter Jas-"

"Mommy?" Her soft angelic voice cut me off and Jason and I glance at the bottom of the grand staircase to see my little girl rubbing her tired eyes.

"Lily!" I scream with excitement as I attempt to run past Jason.

I fail miserably as he picks me up by the waist.

"Jason please, just let me hug her" I beg, squirming in his tight hold. His expression is full of worry but soon he glazes over with that same hard glare.

"I can't let you take her away from me, I'm sorry" he says lowly, looking at Lily.

"But that's what you did to me!" He only replies with a soft look.

His dark caramel eyes bore into mine as the tears fall from my face. His guard slowly coming down as he takes in my sadness.

"I'm going to let you down now just please, don't take her away from me" he says slowly.

As my feet hit the ground I lunge towards a sleepy Lily and take her in my arms.

"Did you have a good holiday mommy?" Her soft voice alder quietly. A confess look was plastered on my face as I slowly looked up at Jason. He held a hard gaze to the floor as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I had a great time sweetie, did you have a good time with Jas-- with daddy?" I asked quietly pulling her away from my chest to look at her fragile face.

"Yes! I love daddy!" My heart fell...

I can't take her away from someone she loves... It will break her heart.

He had to of treated her right then or else she wouldn't love him, right? It looks like he kept her safe and healthy. Lily doesn't love people easily so he has to be a good person for her to say that she loves him... But he is a criminal, he murdered people. Killed innocent people... How can I let that kind of person into my life? I don't even know who he is...

"Does daddy love you?" I asked quietly taking a small glance at Jason.

He had a small, loving smile on his face as he watched his daughter.

"Very much" he softly answered as Lily smiles sleepily at him.

"Daddy, can you and mommy take me to bed?" She asked quietly as she clung to my neck.

"If mommy wants that then yes we can princess" his voice was soft and calm as he glanced at me. I replied with a nod and he began walking upstairs, signalling for me to follow with Lily.

We walked up the big staircase and made a few turns, this place was a lot bigger than it looked.

"You're going to love my room mommy, daddy made it" she yawned and I smiled at my little girl.

Jason soon stopped at a door with Lillian painted on it in pink writing and entered.

Her room was painted baby pink and a large white princess bed sat in the middle. Toys scattered the fluffy white carpet and there were at least 5 different barbie castles sitting side by side. There was a small bookshelf and white drawers decorating the room. The ceiling was painted the same baby pink colour as the walls but fluffy white clouds decorated it. A large light in the shape of a cloud hung from the ceiling as small ones surrounded it. Her room was beautiful.

I felt Lily wriggle in my arms and I reluctantly let her down. She slowly walked over to Jason and held her arms up for him.

I watched as he slowly picked her up and have her a kiss on her forehead softly, my heart melting at the scene in front of me. H placed her in her big be and pulled the duvet over her.

"Goodnight my princess" he whispered softly as she snuggled into her pillows.

"goodnight daddy, goodnight mommy"

"Goodnight my precious little Lillian" I replied as I kissed her cheek.

I stared at my little girl sleeping until I heard someone clear their throat. Turning around I saw Jason standing at the doorway.

"We should talk" he replied nervously.


"I'm sorry Madison, I let the anger take control of me and I acted very stupidly. I know that's no excuse for taking her but that's the only thing I can say. I was mad and stupid. I wanted to give her back to you so badly because I saw how hurt and lost you were without Lily but I was... Well I was scared. Scared you'd never let me see her again. I love her Maddie, I love our daughter... I can't lose her. I promise you that I am not the crazed murderer you think I am. I was cold, harsh and murderous but I'm changing... For Lily..."

His speech repeated in my head as I watch my little girl sleeping. I couldn't just leave her hear so I'm staying in her room until we sort out this situation.

Jason gave me that speech after I had cried my eyes out and begged for him to tell me why he took Lily.

I'm still unsure of what to think.

Should I trust him? Should I believe him? Should I take this huge risk? Is it worth it?

Millions of questions ran through my head...

I just don't know what to do?!

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