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Jason's POV

"If something bad happens to her, I'll kill you" my voice was full of anger as I spat through the phone to Maddie's nurse.

"Boss, we will be arriving at the drop zone in 3 minutes" I could hear one of my men call out over the wild wind.

I collected my thoughts and made sure I was focusing on the task at hand.

Jumping from a plane onto a small townhouse, un-noticed, was a lot harder than you'd think.

"Boss, 30 seconds" another voice called out as the gliders door was opened completely.

I counted down from 30 as I watched a few of my men begin the decent.

I took a deep breath as I peered out of the silent glider.

My heart dropped...

My slight fear of heights started to attack my body.




You're doing this for Lily...




For Maddison...




For your family...


My ears plugged as the wind gushed past them at high speed.

I searched for my other men, small lights that is only visible from above soon came into view.

I pulled my arms to my side as I propelled towards the group of 5 men.

"Landing in 23 seconds, release shoots" a soft voice called through our ear pieces.

"3 guards at the rear door," the voice of Wes called through the ear piece "Brice and mason, take them out" soon after, the three men dropped to the ground.

Silencers are a mans best friend.

"10 seconds, brace for landing"

Soon enough we were on the ground, shoots spread across the ground.

"Let's go"


"4 men around the next corner"

We turned left, my men flanking me.


All down within a second.

"At the next right you've got a large group"

I held up my hand to halt my men at the corner.

As I peered around, my throat tightened.
12 men were all guarding the double doors.

"I think it's either Lily or Jeremy behind that door but I'm getting a small thermal signal" the words coming through my ear piece made me tense.

Small thermal signal, it would be Lily.

My daughter is behind that door.

I signalled for my men that it was game time and as one we rounded the corner, guns ready.

I let out 3 shots as the men behind me took out some guards.

Soon we had fire being thrown back at us.

I heard a groan from beside me as a bullet flew past my face and I could see one of my men fall to the ground.

Anger shot through me as I locked eyes with the shooter. Bang.

And he's down.

As all of Jeremy's men fell to the floor, loud childlike screams filled my ears.

I quickly turned to check on my man to see that Brice was hit.

"Go Jason, we got him" Wes shoo'd me away with a rough push.

Another scream.

I was up on my feet and sprinting to those doors.

"Lily?!" I called out, rather desperately.

I scanned the room and my eyes fell upon a small body curled up in the corner.

Her hands and feet tied together, a bag over her head.

I could see her soft brunette hair hanging out the bottom of the bag.

My heart jumped in anger and I rushed towards her small, dirty body slumped in the corner.

"Lily baby, it's daddy" I called out as I freed her face from the covering bag.

"Lily your sa--" my words came to a holt as I took in the appearance of a small child. That wasn't Lily. Dead.

"Oh Jason," his voice called out from behind me "you really are getting sloppy" as I turned I took in the appearance of my father. His white suit bloody. His jaw bruised.

"Where's my daughter" I seethed as I clenched my fists.

"You really went to a lot of trouble to achieve nothing" he started to chuckle "you're pathetic my boy" he started to cackle.

I couldn't hold back anymore, I lunged towards him at full speed.

My hand started to burn as I landed a hit straight to his jaw. I watched as he stumbled to the floor but before I could do anything else a group of men advanced into the room.

"You will never get her back Jason"

Were the last words o heard before I fell unconscious...

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