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The whole Mariano family was in the waiting room except  Leonardo Mariano who was holding his wife's hand—her nails digging in his outer palm—for reassurance.

"Just a little more mia amore." Leonardo said to his birth giving wife Maria. Maria screamed in pain alerting all the Mariano's outside in the waiting room.

Soon a cry could be heard in the quiet corridor. "Congratulations it's a girl!" The doctor exclimed while cutting the umbilical cord.

Maria rested her head on her husband's temple in exhaustion. Leonardo kissed Maria's forehead while smiling.


The brothers of the girl rushed towards their parents and their sister after 12 hours. The eldest Lorenzo asked his father whether he could hold his baby sister which he gave the permission gladly and passed her to him.

"Isabella." Lorenzo said. Everyone cooed at the baby trying to make her laugh or give any reaction but sadly the baby was just born and still yet to open her eyes.

Soon Maria and her daughter went to a deep slumber. Which was the time for Leonardo to talk to his sons.

"Boys, you have a new baby sister and that means it's your job to take care of her and protect her in my absence be a perfect big brother to her."

" I am gonna be her perfect brother,  I am gonna protect her from the bad guys." The third eldest said with a fist on his heart.
" You better be on your word Alfonzo."

It was the next day after the birth of the sister of the Mariano's. The doctor advised Leonardo to let his wife stay in the hospital for observation which Leonardo approved off.

Leonardo's sons went to school except the Triplets who were 5. Doctor said that Isabella should be kept in an incubator as she was born a month earlier. Leonardo went to the front desk with his youngest triplet son Matteo to pay the bill.

Leonardo felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see the face of his brother Giovanni. "Congratulations brother!" Giovanni wished his elder brother whilst giving him a  hug and a pat on his back they pulled back and Giovanni ruffled his nephews hair "Congrats missing tooth you have a new sister now." He said to him which Giovanni was rewarded with a missing front tooth grin.

A man appeared back of Giovanni. "Congratulations sir." He wished Leonardo.
"Thank you, sorry but who are you?"

The man was in a fitted Armani suit and had a Rolex watch on his fist which sparkled in the incandescent light. This man screamed richness and power and in an instant he knew he was a leader of a gang.

"My apologies, I am Viktor the leader of the Panthers." He finished and put his hand forward and which Leonardo accepted by shaking it.

"Leonardo. Leader of the Cobras."

"This guy right here"—Giovanni gestured to Viktor— "is the only man who has smuggled the best ammunition to New York in one night." This grabbed Leonardo's attention.
The adults were talking about business when the little kid was bored in their conversation and was looking around.

A man had caught his eye. He was sneaking in their mother's room the kid didn't say anything and just kept quiet. Soon alarms started going off grabbing the Capo's attention.

Leonard immediately rushed to his wife's room and froze when he entered the room. His wife's bed was covered in blood with a knife stabbed in her stomach her guts were out with her blood gushing. His kids were fast asleep Leonardo's eyes caught to the drinks on the table.

Someone spiked them.

He fell down to his knees his palms resting on his thighs. Tears pouring from his eyes as he saw his dead wife. Doctors and nurses rushed in the room as they heard the alarm which was set off by Maria in her last breath the switch beside her bed for emergencies.

Leonardo was in a state of shock but still he didn't forget about his daughter Isabella. His eyes  traveled to the crib and sprinted more like stumbled towards it. He was devastated when he saw it was empty.
Leonardo gripped the bed with all his might until his knuckles turned white.

"Capo." His second in command. Roberto came in.

"Trova Isabella e trova quel figlio di puttana che ha ucciso mia moglie!"

In the doorway was the youngest in the family saw his mom get  murdered brutally and dissapereance of his sister with his eyes wide and body shaking. He saw a man entering the room maybe he did it? He did it, didn't he?

The 5 year old Matteo took all this situation as his fault and carried the guilt on his shoulders through out his life.


Hey guys! This is the first chapter of Fluke. Hope you guys keep on reading this book.

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