Chapter 1

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Waking up in the morning was a tiring job for Isabella. She needed to wake up at six thirty am everyday for breakfast. It's a procedure in the orphanage.

Waking up morning waiting in the queue to take a bath and go to school. It didn't matter much to Isabella but was tiring. Currently Isabella was eating the plain breakfast all alone on the big bench.

She turned her head towards the window beside her and saw a family- a new one perhaps-the mother and father each holding the kid's hands. She sighed and focused on her food. She felt a tap on her and turned to meet her best friend.


She took the earphone in Isabella ear and put it in her own. They started eating their breakfast. Vanessa and Isabella know each other since diapers. Slowly the dinner room was soon filled by orphans. As the children were immersed in their food a snap was heard in the pin drop silent  room.

All the heads were turned towards the sound. The caretaker more like Monster is in the middle of the room.
"Listen up kids, due to some financial issues the orphanage is being sold and don't worry we will try our best to find you a family if perhaps there's no family that want you, you will be sent to another city's orphanage." The monster completed his speech.

This was the saddest news to every child in the room. They are in this place for a reason. No one wanted them. Now they all have to go to a new orphanage in whole another city. Atleast they all will be together.

Both the girls got ready for school and took their skateboards. Packing their bags keeping their hoods up and slide on the road listening to the music. The school is not so far from the orphanage.

When they entered the school both of them took their skateboards in their hands apparently the school doesn't approve of children sliding on the floor. Isabella placed her board in her locker and took her English books as English is her first class.

"Dude, you prepared for the physics test?" Vanessa asked Isabella. By hearing this Isabella stopped what she was doing and stared at Vanessa in shock and again gained her composure.
"I am not, but I gaurantee you that I will score higher than you." She challenged Vanessa. They were always competitive in studies but that never separated their friendship.

"You know what's your strength is Bella it's your confidence, but do you know what's your weakness it's your overconfidence." Isabella rolled her eyes at that comment. It was the truth. Her
overconfidence is her weakness.

The last class was about to be completed in 10 minutes and it was time to go back when the reality hit Isabella that she may never come back to this. Even though this place made her stress out, feel insecure, jealous over students who had parents care about them but she still loved it because of baseball. Isabella loves baseball and the only thing that could make her escape the cruel world.

In 10 minutes school will be completed and she can go out and play in the ground with her mates. The bell rang and it was time for Isabella to grab her baseball bat and headed to he ground she placed her bag on the benches.

"Hey! Bony Bella! Took you long enough, come on!" Said Jack one of the orphan in the orphanage. Isabella only talks to the people who are in the orphanage in the school she always seemed reserved for everyone whereas for Isabella it was social anxiety.

"Don't call me that."
Jack completely ignored her.

"We've got tough competition today. It's the school athletes and us. Do you think we can beat them?"
Regularly these baseball matches occur in the school and no adult is supervised it's just the kids. Winning these matches easily gets you popular and Jack's team had always been the runner up.

Isabella's eyes looked towards the group of guys not just guys hot guys. Tall and bulky guys warming up. Isabella gulped without her consent. They were older than them probably 10 grade it was indeed a tough competition.

"We can win....I guess?" She replied to Jack. Jack's head spun towards her in utter shock "Don't you say that! If we lose they're gonna embarrass us infront of the whole school!"

"We're not going to come to school tomorrow anyway, it's alright" her eye caught one of the athletes who smirked at her and Isabella visibly gulped "I guess.. "

The 13 year olds came to their positions behind Jack as Jack is their leader and it was the time of toss.

Guess luck was on the side of the 13 year olds and  chose to field.

The game was interesting in the bleachers the popular girls were cheering for the 10th graders. As the second innings started, It was Isabella turn to bat now.

She took the bat and stood near the home plate and stood in a stance by lifting her bat to hit. The pitcher threw the ball in a great force that made take a step back.

The catcher caught the ball and yelled
"Strike one!" They needed two runs. She just needed to run for a double or hit a home run.

She regained her composure and was ready to hit the ball. She closed her eyes and swung her bat hoping she would hit and she heard a clashing sound. The ball flew in the air going outside the field.

"Yes!!" Everyone screamed and started running. Isabella smiled and felt proud at her performance.


Okay this chapter basically only consisted of her daily life in school. This is more like a filler. The next one has more spice.<3

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