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My new family is good. Father is sweet and my brothers are wonderful except for the triplets who always search for a chance to annoy me or tease and they get sadistic happiness when I get irritated by them. Except that everything is perfect.

School is also fine, the friends I have made are cool even though they barely acknowledge my presence as I am quiet all the time, but I always get weird vibes from Sandy as she is the pure definition of attention seeker. She acts different around boys and it feels weird. I am now tapping my pencil to the corner of my mouth as I wait for the math teacher to call my name as she is distributing the last week papers. My leg starts shaking and pounding starts in my head. 

"The performance is really bad. I'll be conducting another one the upcoming week, everyone should be prepared." Mam says with coldness in her voice sending  fear down my spine.

"Isabella." She calls my name, with weak strength in my knees I stand up and go to her and take the paper from her hands.

28 out of 40. I tried my best this time. My best. I at least expected to get 33 not 28. 

"How much you got?" I ask the person beside me, instead of replying he just flips the paper towards me. He got a mark more than me. 

"I need your parents signature on it tomorrow. If any calculation mistake is found raise your hand." I look down. I have no energy to face her. I feel embarrassed seeing the people around me having marks more than me. I have to work hard. "Isabella, You are the sister of the Mariano triplets right?" the teacher asks me. Now, I have no chance but to lift my head and nod at her.

"They were actually good in math, I can't believe you would score so less. You need to improve sweet heart." She says with her lips in a thin line. An uncomfortable feeling starts in heart and it spreads all over my body. The feeling of not being enough even I tried my best drowns me and does not let me breathe. I have tried my best. I need to ask them for help.

Lunch time starts and soon the cafeteria is filled with students and I am sitting with Lisa, Troy, Martha and Sandy. Everybody is in their own conversation and I am in my own world. Ringing starts in my ear and it becomes unbearable. People around me are smart and they don't even put much effort in studying while I am here studying my ass off day and night and I don't the results I want. The food packed by father is in front of me and I am playing with it. IT's the same gooey pasta and I hate pasta. I pack my uneaten lunch and leave the cafeteria.

I don't know where I am going but I want to clear my mind. 

"No! STOP.Please!" I hear cries. I look in the direction and see some boys not just some boys they are friends of the triplets. I can't find my brothers but I see the boy kicking with their feet and laughing hysterically at him. Soon later they leave him while the kid is rolling on the floor.

When I saw the rolling on the floor with pain I saw myself when I was bullied just like that in my old school by the rich kids. So I did what I wanted someone to do to me when I was in that situation. I helped him and gave him some water.

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