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The bell rang above the door as Minji entered. "Hello, just a-", she was cut off by a "Chai Latte?" Minji nodded, slightly surprised. She paid and went over to wait for her drink.

"Here's your drink," the barista said while sliding it over to her. Minji looked up to see a black-haired girl with glasses who looked to be about her own age. "Thank you," she quickly said before she was interrupted again. "Oh, I have a question. I've seen you come here every evening and you're always working on something, may I know what it is?" the girl asked. Minji hesitated for a moment before replying. "It's just a book I'm trying to write. I have quite big hopes for it." "Well, I hope to be one of the first to read it! Oh, and by the way, my name is Hanni." Minji couldn't help but smile at the comment. "Minji," she quietly said. "Nice to meet you, Minji!"

Finally, Minji got to sit down. She barely paid notice to anyone, and anyone barely paid notice to her. Why was Hanni so different? Different or not, she would be on Minji's mind for quite a while.

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