chapter 3

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Hanni's phone suddenly buzzed. Who the hell is texting her? She picked up her phone to see the text message.


unknown: hi. if you were wondering, it's minji

Hanni was taken aback. Minji had actually texted her? She quickly changed her contact and texted her back.


minji: hi. if you were wondering, it's minji

you: hi!! I'm kind of surprised you texted me

minji: lol, why?

you: it was today I wrote the note

minji: hey I'm bored okay?

you: alright alright

Hanni and Minji kept on texting and texting. Finally, after around an hour, Hyein, Hanni's sister, came in. "Hey sis, I- oh shoot who you texting that has you smiling so much?" Hyein smirked. "Hey! It's a friend okay?" Hanni said while looking away. "Mhm, well I guess I should leave you then," and with that, Hyein shut the door.

Hanni began to zone out. Was she smiling that much? Why? Why did Minji make her feel this way? Why was it every time they talked she had a weird feeling in her stomach? Even before they had started to talk, Hanni was always mesmerized by Minji's beauty. Did she like her? Even if she did, the other wouldn't reciprocate, right?

Hanni was shook back into reality by the sudden, then constant, buzzing of her phone. What she was met with was quite a few messages from Minji, most of them being worried ones.


minji: hanni you there

minji: hanniii

minji: did you abandon me or did you die?

minji: no but actually are you okay, it's been like 15 minutes

you: oh yeah sorry, I zoned out

minji: oh alright, dw I do that all the time

Hanni soon had to go and therefore said her goodbyes to Minji. She walked over to Hyein's room and opened the door. "What did you need earlier," Hanni questioned, walking inside off her sisters room. "Nothing much really. But what I need now is who you texting?" Hanni rolled her eyes. "I told you it was a friend!" She retorted. "No friend I've seen makes anyone smile that much, especially you. Do you like her something?" Hyein began asking a few more questions before Hannk stopped her. "Look, I met her at the café and I thought she was nice, now we're friends. That's all I know." Hyein nodded at the response.

"You guys should go on a date if you don't know that much about her." Hanni immediately was taken aback. "WHAT. I AM NOT GOING TO GO ON A DA-" "CALM DOWN SIS DATE WASN'T THE RIGHT WORD! JUST TRY TO GET TO KNOW HER OR SOMETHING, TAKE HER TO THE CAFÉ ON YOUR DAY OFF." Their neighbors might have thought someone was dying by now because when the sisters argued, it sounded like bloody murder.

Finally, after the two calmed down, Hanni thought about the idea. "Maybe you're right, I could do that. But it's not going to be a date," Hanni finally said. "Unless you two hold hands or even ki-" Hyein immediately stopped and raised her hands up as if she was being arrested when Hanni glared at her. "Good choice," Hanni said while Hyein slowly nodded. "Now, here's the real question though, where should I take her? Cause I don't think the café is the best place, we both are their quite alot." Hyein thought for a moment while Hanni just fidgeted. "What do you know about her now, and from that information, you can then pick a place," Hyein suggested. Hanni soon began listing off different things about Minji and Hyein began looking up different places.

"What's this girl's name? You've never told me," Hyein suddenly asked. "Why do you need to know?" Hanni shot back. "Woah woah woah, no need to get defensive. I'm just asking because I'm over here helping your ass." Hyein rolled her eyes and kept scrolling at the different places. "Oh, and by the way, I think I found a good place." Hanni quickly got up from her chair and looked at the place. It was a botanical garden that was a 30-minute walk away. "I didn't realize we had such a place this close by," Hanni said. "Yeah, neither did I, but it'd be a good place to go to, it's really beautiful," Hyein spoke. "Though here's the thing, are we really going to socialize? And are you sure this isn't a date? Because this seems like one to me." Hanni paced around the room for a bit, rethinking her previous decision. "You'll be fine. All you gotta do is make sure you talk to her while walking around and bring up stories or something," Hyein quickly suggested.

"3 questions, where did all the dating knowledge come from, why are you saying this as if it's a date, and when did you become so mature?" Hyein chuckled before replying. "Movies and shows. Hey and also don't forget what shit we've been through." "Language! Yet true," Hanni shrugged. "It's getting late. You should probably make a plan then head to bed or something and talk to this girl tomorrow," Hyein advised. "As if me or you sleep." The two laughed a bit before Hanni finally left Hyein alone.

Hanni didn't really decide to plan much because, again, this wasn't a date. Though she did decide to add a few more things to do afterward just in case they got bored or got through quickly. Hanni looked at time and it was just around 1:30a.m. and she still had classes tomorrow. So she got up and quickly got ready for bed.

Before sleeping, she took a look at her phone and saw Minji's contact. She made sure to keep note to ask Minji about going to the place when she came to the café.


Shit. Hanni was late. She woke up late and failed to get ready in time, and seeing how public transit here is slow as ever, she ended up missing first period.

College to her was basically highschool, except on crack. She often just said it was a mess and a slight waste of money. Slight. There were good things in college, such as you're getting a better education or how you meet new people. Some people also like how they are able to live on their own but Hanni's been doing that for 5 years now with the exception of her sister.


Time passes quickly if you're Hanni. It was always like that. By now she was having lunch by herself like she always did, not really caring. It was funny how she could seem so extroverted and energetic yet here was, alone. It was normal though, very normal. Something that wasn't normal is how a familiar girl walked over to her and sat down at her table. Hanni didn't look up either because she didn't bother to or because her leg was shaking due to her nervousness.

"Didn't know we went to same college, should've guessed since the café is close by," Minji commented. Hanni didn't dare look up cause it was confirmed that she was nervous as hell. "Anyways, what are you doing alone?" It took Hanni some willpower to look up and reply. She wondered why this was the case when she could do it just fine at the cafe. "I regularly sit alone," she quietly replied. "Oh, then is it okay I sit here?" The other questioned. Hanni simply nodded and finally decided to ask Minji even though it was a bit early.

"Hey, so uhm, there's this cool botanical place that's around a 30-minute walk from here and I was wondering if like, we could go there and talk and like look around? You know, since we barely know each other." Minji chuckled as Hanni basically said that in one breath, but nonetheless, she did want to go. "Time and date?" Minji asked. Hanni perked up, slightly surprised before replying. "Maybe Saturday? Around 2 pm?" The other thought for a moment before nodding. "I don't see why not, I'm free Saturday." Hanni immediately grinned at the response. She didn't expect it to go so well but she sure was happy about it.

"Oh shoot, I better get going," Minji said while checking the time. Hanni looked at her phone and realized she should get going as well. "Talk to you later?" Hanni both asked and said. Minji smiled and nodded before waving goodbye and walking away. Hanni realized something about Minji just made her giddy, yet she was fine with that. She was fine with what she had.

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