chapter 8

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Minji very well expected Haerin and Danielle to appear right in front of her as soon as she walked into the door. Instead, she saw a lone Danielle at the kitchen counter, messing around with her phone. “Where’s Haerin?” Minji asked, taking off her coat. Danielle shot up with a surprised face before answering “She’s in the shower.” Danielle put her phone down. Minji nodded as she took her shoes off and joined the other, sitting at the table close by.

“Are you and Hanni okay now?” Danielle hesitantly asked, previously hearing the call. “Oh yeah, we're fine, don't worry.” Minji thought back to the previous events that day. Her and Hanni's embrace, taking Hanni to her little spot, holding her hand. Minji's face soon heated up as she remembered what Hanni said. Did Hanni actually want to kiss her? Or was all she said just to answer Minji?

“What would you say if Hanni and I kissed?” Minji didn't know what to expect from the bold question, but Haerin bolting into the room, hair soaking wet & a towel around her neck was not it. “Are you telling me the mighty bbangsaz ship has sailed?” Haerin excitedly asked, Danielle giggling at the sight. An immediate blush could be seen on Minji's face as she responded. “Bbangsaz? That's what you call us? And no! The ship has not sailed!”
“So you're saying it might?” Danielle smirked. Minji lightly punched the girl’s shoulder as the duo laughed, leaving Minji to writhe in embarrassment. “I swear to god, I hate you guys with a passion,” Minji said, getting up from her seat. “You always say that Min, stop lying,” Haerin retorted, adjusting the towel around her neck. Minji cringed, already knowing how hard Danielle was staring. “I can't bear whatever this is any longer.” The two rolled their eyes at Minji who was now quickly walking to her room.

Finally closing the door, Minji slouched in her chair. Scooting over to her desk, she opened her laptop and went to her files, finding her story. Staring at the pages, Minji struggled to find the right words to explain all that had happened. She decided to pull out her phone, and soon saw Hanni had texted her.


are you coming to the cafe tmr?

probably, why?

idk i was just wondering after
all this

well its kind if been resolved so
why would i not?

true lol

The two kept talking for a bit afterwards before Hanni said she had to go, leaving Minji to be lost in her thoughts.
What was it with their situation that made things so interesting? Everything happened so suddenly for them, and yet it still turned out fine. What was this dynamic?

Finally, after a while of sitting and thinking, words finally appeared on the blank screen. Minji sat typing for quite a bit, adding as many details as she could, pausing only to overlook her work. This cycle went on until Minji finally looked at the clock, realizing it was close to midnight. She soon shut her laptop and started getting ready for bed. However, as soon as she laid down, her mind began to flood with thoughts of her and Hanni, wondering if Hanni felt the same.


Minji leaned on the bridge’s railing, looking onto the river that flowed throughout their town. The sound of cars passing by could be heard and felt as her hair blew with each one. Her classes had ended quite a while ago, but instead of going straight to the café, she decided to take a slight detour.

Minji really didn’t know if she wanted to face Hanni. Sure, she did it last night, but could she do it again? Her emotions kept on getting the best of her, and she was scared that facing Hanni would cause them to overtake her once again. Reluctantly, she continued to walk to the shop, and in a few minutes she arrived.

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