chapter 7

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Hanni reluctantly opened the door of the boba shop and Jungwon was quick to greet her. "Just the regular. Also, I need to talk to you," Hanni quietly spoke while paying. Jungwon just nodded and Hanni went to go sit down.

"Thanks," the girl said when Jungwon gave her her drink. "So, what'd you want to talk about?" Jungwon said while sitting down infront of Hanni. "What the hell did you say to Minji to make her avoid me like the plague for the past week?" Hanni deadpanned. Jungwon rolled his eyes before replying, "That sounds like a you problem because I haven't talked to her since we last talked. Speaking of her, are you really dating her? Because you two seem awkward as hell for a couple, especially now." Hanni glared at the other and scoffed. "Just so you know we are dating because I don't want to be with someone like you." "What's so wrong with me, huh?" Jungwon retored. "Well maybe the fact that you're male?" Jungwon stood up at that comment and Hanni did the same. "If that's the case why don't you kiss Minji cause you really seem to like her."

"I'm done with your shit." And with that Hanni left, leaving Jungwon standing there and the few patrons to stare.


"Hanni, I swear to god, you really have to get your shit together. Maybe try and talk to her?" The two sisters were on the couch, the younger trying to help the older through a crisis. "I would but it's just that I- I really don't know anymore."

"What do you not know?" Hyein cautiously question. "I mean, it's like she ghosted me but it's like she didn't. And I want to confront her about it but I feel like I'd make the situation worse," Hanni shook her head. "You feel like you'd make it worse, not know you'd make it worse, keep that in mind. What I'm trying to say though is to just go for it, I bet you you'll be fine," Hyein encouraged. "I swear Hyein you are always able to find a good side in things." For once Hanni genuinely smiled that day.

"So, are you gonna do it?" Hanni just shrugged. It was still risky, and she didn't want to risk whatever they had. Especially after coming so far, from just admiring for months, to her helping her with Jungwon. She didn't want to lose it, even though it seemed like she had. Hyein gave a sigh before speaking again, "I gotta go study for a test I have tomorrow. Think on it, will you? It's been awhile since I've seen you so.. happy around a person." Hanni just nodded and Hyein headed to her room.

Hanni being left with her thoughts, started to think of situations that could happen. Not many of them were good, yet only of few of them were actually bad to say. Though she still feared, as this were only things she thought in her head, none of them were bound to come true. Right? Well if that were so, why was she even so scared? There were all so many questions that couldn't be answered unless she just did it. Did she really have to though? Could she just wait it out? Or would that end in everything crumbling into dust?

The girl spent the next 15 minutes just thinking before she got up and decided to try and call Minji. Thankfully, the girl actual answered this time.

"Hey Min, mind if we meet up somewhere and talk?"

"Oh uh, sure. Where & when?"

"Park after 4 good?"


The call ended as quickly as it started and now Hanni was rethinking her decisions. Though, what was done was done, and now she had to get ready.


It was just about 4:05 when Hanni went to the park. She really didn't expect much other than for her to be one the talking. Let alone for Minji to already be waiting for her anxiously.

"Minji." The girl quickly stood up once she heard her name and gently smiled. "Hanni! I- how are you-?" Minji must have realized Hanni's mood and quickly calmed herself, letting Hanni speak. "Honestly, I'm not really sure anymore, I've been using most of my time thinking on questions that would hardly be answered. " Hanni sat down the bench and Minji was quick to sit near

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