chapter 6

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"So what'd you do while we were gone?" Danielle asked while they were all eating lunch in the dining hall. "Hang out with Han--" "My god you really do love her," Haerin teased. "What no! I can never..." Minji's voice trailed off. She could never fall in love, at least not again. She could barely feel anything in her chest, right?

"Come on Minji, there's something inside you and you know it. You can't just suppress those feelings because of the past, can you?" Haerin said. "Yes, yes I can," Minji muttered. "Min, I agree with Haerin. This the first time your love life has actually existed and it wasn't literal war, and you don't want to act on it," Danielle said while pecking at the food. "My love life? Look at your guys' love lives! Both of you are ever so oblivious no matter how obvious the other is. And plus, both of you are cowards, won't take a single risk." That shut the two up real quick cause they both ended up staying quiet for the rest of lunch.

After class, Minji was supposed to meet up with Haerin and Dani, but before she could even get out of campus, Hanni was running towards her. "Min! I need your help. And quickly," Hanni said when she caught up to her. "Wha- What happened?" "Apparently Jungwon goes here and--" Hanni was cut off when the taller male came up to them. "Hello Hanni! Hi..." His voice trailed off, not knowing what to call the other girl Hanni was now clinging around. "Minji," she blatantly said. "Yeahhh.. Anyways, Hanni! Would you like to maybe hang out out tomorrow?" Jesus Christ, this man had no shame. If Minji was actually Hanni's girlfriend, she would've started screaming at him. Though Minji was pretending to be, wasn't she? "Sorry but no. I'd promised my girlfriend," Hanni said, signaling towards Minji, "that I'd stay over at her place tonight." Hanni finally finished and Minji just nodded, glaring at Jungwon. If it weren't for her saying something first, Minji would've been calling him every name under the sun. "Oh uh, alright then. Make sure you come back to the shop though!" Jungwon waved while quickly walking away.

Both girls rolled their eyes, this dude would not give up. "I've got to get going. I promised Haerin and Dani that I'd meet up with them after class and now I'm running a bit late," Minji said starting to walk away. "Wait! Can I come with you?" Minji just nodded and they walked over to a nearby store where Dani & Haerin were.


"Finally! What took you so-- Oh hi Hanni!" Danielle greeted first. Hanni just gave a quick smile. "I'll explain later, or at least what I can explain," Minji whispered to the two. They just nodded and with that, went inside.

"Oh my god, it's Haerin," Danielle said while pointing to one of the cat plushes on the shelf. "And Minji is right next to me!" Haerin said as soon as she looked. "So you're a bear huh?" Hanni spoke. "Yeah, we all gave ourselves animals. Haerin's a cat, Danielle's a dog, and I'm of course, a bear," Minji smiled. "Minji! Hurry up and come here!" She quickly went towards the pair and Hanni slowly followed. "A bear.. cute," the shorter murmured.


The three brought in the few bags they had. They had just dropped Hanni off and now finally got home. "Minji, you're cooking tonight," Haerin said, flopping onto the couch. The other just shrugged and sat on the nearby chair.

"Soo.. you gonna tell us what happened?" Danielle finally asked after a bit. "Oh, right. So there is this Jungwon dude who's been bothering Hanni alot and I'm just trying to help. The reason she came with me was cause she was trying to get away from Jungwon again and so she just said she was planning to hang out with me." All the two could do was glance at eachother. "Are you not telling us something?" Haerin questioned. How was Minji suppose to reply to that? I mean, she wasn't wrong, but would she really tell-

"I mean I did also agree to pretend to be her girlfriend." She told them. Telling them was a mistake. "YOU DID WHAT?" Minji was quickly flooded with many questions and teases, mostly from Haerin. The apartment was once again a chaotic circus, with of course, Minji being the center of it.

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