chapter 5

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"Hello? Earth to Minji?" Minji shot up and saw Hanni standing in front of her. She looked around to see a very quiet and empty café. Where the hell are all the people that were here? "Finally. I've been trying to get your attention for the last 2 minutes. Anyways, don't you have somewhere to be? I mean, it's 8pm and we're supposed to be closing," Hanni spoke. Really 8 o'clock? Minji quickly checked the time, and yup, it was 8. "Jesus Christ, yeah I've got to head out. Sorry if I held you back," Minji said while putting her things away. Hanni took off her apron and hung it up on a rack. "Don't worry. Though I do have a question, if you don't mind me asking of course." Minji quickly nodded for her to continue. "This is the longest I've ever seen you here. What's so intriguing about the book now?" Hanni asked. "Nothing really, it's just I actually know what I'm supposed to be writing."

Hanni nodded, seemingly satisfied with the result. "Alright, I'm gonna head out. Though I do want to know, you wanna hang out next weekend at my place? Haerin & Dani won't be around to bother us," Minji spoke, walking towards the door. "What are they doing?" "Danielle's dad came from Australia for business or something and so she's bringing Haerin to meet him," Minji answered. "Alright, what time?" the other questioned. "Up to you, just text me when you're coming," and with that, Minji left.


Minji was alone on her bed working on her book when Hanni came. Their last encounter had been a week ago due to Minji having to help Haerin "prepare." She honestly thought that it was stupid, but it is what it is.

"Hey! Assuming they already left?" Hanni asked while Minji closed the door behind her. "Yeah, and my god Haerin was a wreck. It's as if the two are dating," Minji chuckled. "They're not dating?" Minji shook her head, "No, though they both love each other yet are too afraid to admit it. I seriously don't understand what is holding them back." Hanni shrugged, just as curious as Minji is. "You want something to eat? Drink?" Minji quickly said, leading them to the kitchen. "A water maybe?"
Minji nodded and gave her a water bottle from the fridge.

"So what do you wanna do?" Minji finally asked. "Up to you," the other shrugged. Minji then led Hanni to the living room and told her to wait while she went to go get something. Only a minute later Minji came out of the room with what seemed to be a game. "You like board games?" She finally brought the game into Hanni's view. "Sure, let's play."

Turns out that the game was a really fun game called 'Happy Little Dinosaurs' where you have to deal with the problems of life nowadays but as a dinosaur. The two ended up playing it for about an hour and half and both of their stomachs were hurting by the end of it from the laughing. "My god, where'd you even get that?" Hanni asked after they calmed down. "Found it at the store and thought it'd be fun to play. And as you can see, I was right," Minji smiled.

"What now?" Hanni asked as they put the game away. "Hm, we could play Mario Kart." Hanni excitedly nodded and they both went to Minji's room.

Hanni beat Minji's ass several times and now she had to pay the consequences. What were those consequences? Well, it was her being chased down and tackled by Minji because she decided to make a remark on Minji's character choice saying that's why why she sucks.
"ROSALINA IS A GOOD CHARACTER AND YOU CAN'T DENY IT." "WELL BASED IN STATS LINK IS BETTER!" Minji finally gave one last hit before just sitting down on the couch. "You suck," Minji said to the other who sat next to her. "I get that a lot." Minji furrowed her brows. What did she mean? And did they actually mean it?

Hanni rested her head on Minji's shoulder. "What time is it?" Minji took out her phone. "Close to 5, need to be heading somewhere?" Hanni shook her head. "No, I was actually wondering, maybe I could sleep over?" Minji looked down to Hanni, still resting her head on her shoulder. "Your sister's good with it?" Hanni gave a nod in response and Minji agreed.

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