chapter 1

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"Why the hell is she so different?" Minji was on the verge of screaming. Why must everything be so difficult? After meeting this Hanni girl, she simply couldn't get her mind off her.

"Calm down, Min, I say I think you're overreacting a bit. Like don't you think it normal that you're thinking about this? You barely talk to anyone, let alone anyone talking to you," Haerin commented while swinging. Both the girls loved swings since they could remember. They had always talked about stuff on the swings since they were kids. Even now, in college, they still kept the tradition. "Maybe you're right," Minji sighed. She stared up at the sky. It was dusk, and you were able to see the faded moon.

"I'll just try to ignore it," she finally said. When she got no response, she turned her head to see a blushing Haerin. "Pfft, don't tell me Dani texted you? Let me see!" Minji reached over to grab the phone from a swatting Haerin. "No! It's nothing leave me alone!" Haerin finally replied, blushing even more now. "You really gotta tell her some time, Haerin." "No," was all Minji could get in reply. She shrugged and continued to stare at the moon.


"I can't tell whose more stupid between you or Dani," Minji said between her friends. "It's obviously Haerin! She would jump over a fence to pet a cat!" "Hey that isn't stupid! That's a good reason!" Haerin remarked. "Yes it is!" Dani shot back. "Woah woah, calm down. I think this is it for our little game." Minji had always been the one to stop things before they became serious. Some could say it was second nature for her.

The three were walking to the café. Upon entering, they were greeted by the bubbly Hanni. "Hi, what can I get for you guys?" Hanni questioned. "Chai Tea Latte for me and 2 hot chocolates for these idiot kids." Minji was immediately hit by complains of Haerin and Danielle before silencing them. "It's true though. You guys do act like kids." "We do not!," the pair said in sync. Hanni smiled and went to go make their drinks.

"Go find a seat, I'll get the drinks," Minji said while the two went off. Only moments later did Hanni arrive with the 3 drinks. "Here you go. I'm assuming those are your friends?," Hanni wondered. "Yeah, a real bunch, aren't they?" "Looks like it! Well then, enjoy your drinks!"

Minji thanked her and walked over to where Haerin and Danielle were arguing again, or at least what it looked like. "What are you two up to now?" "Nothing!," both said on sync again. It was funny how half of the time the two were matched. Minji shrugged and sat down, handing them their drinks.

"So what was that over there?" Haerin was the first to ask. "What was what?" Minji questioned. "You and the barista!" Danielle spoke up this time. Minji rolled her eyes. Ever since she told Haerin about what had happened with Hanni, she teased her every second she could, and apparently Danielle got to hear about it too. "It's nothing. You guys are overreacting! All it is a little small talk," Minji said, trying to convince herself more than her friends. Really, all she wanted to do was to ignore it, as from experience, jumping to conclusions would end up in a mess. Both Haerin and Danielle started giggling and Minji just ignored them. She didn't need this right now. She already has enough stress.


Type, edit, delete. Minji was working on her book, completely clueless about her surroundings and her noisy roommates. She had been working on her book, 'Blurred Films', for quite a while now. Recently though, she had a severe case of writer's block. Having no ideas nor energy, she closed her laptop and began thinking. Soon enough her mind wondered to Hanni. What was it about her that she found so appealing? Was it her hair? Her face? Her eyes? She quickly stopped these thoughts and got up and went to her bookshelf. It had been a bit since she read for fun. All she could read now was textbooks. Her mini library really only contained fantasy books. Most being books she read when she was a child that she had spent too much money on. Yet some books she still enjoyed, one of them being Eragon. She picked up the book, flipping pages while being teleported to her childhood.

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