😊 the condition and someone's pov😊

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Next day.........
At coffee ☕️ shop..........

Our taehyung was waiting for jungkook past one hours. But there is no sign of him 😕 then 10 min later someone called his name 🤔, but it's non other than our jungkook......

Jk: taehyung???

Tae: ohh Jungkook hyung??? finally you come now....??

Jk: i am really sorry taehyung, 😔 i got some work that's why I become late..( said in sweet tone making Tae forget about everything..)

Tae: it's okk now, and come set ( said while pulling the chair 💺 for him... ( like a gentleman)

Jk;( said while setting on chair 💺) : thank you 😊

Tae: it's okk....by the way what you want to have??????

(Said while calling the waiter...After some time the waiter come and said)

Waiter : what would like to have sir???

(Tae look at jungkook and said) : one Strawberry..

Jk: and one banana milkshake for me..

Waiter : anything also??

Tae :  no thanks...

( After that the waiter lift from there, but our taekook was thinking about , how to tell him about there things.  But there thoughts get broke by the waiter...)

Waiter :  sir here take it... (   Said while giving them those drink. )

Taekook :  thank u.. ( then the waiter lift from there)

Tae :  abb  jungkook hyung can i ask you something???

Jk :  yes. Actually I want to talk with you too..

Tae :  ohh really, what is it????

Jk :  Actually I don't want to marry you. 😔

Tae: what?????

Jk :  yes.  Actually I get forced to marry you..

Tae :  forced? But why? And if you are forced then why you said yes for marriage..(  said in anger + shocked experience because he though he like him. )

Jk :  I know it's hard for you 😔 but I don't have any choice.  but you can do it right? ( said with some hopes that because jungkook can't say no but taehyung can do it right. That's why he asked him.)

Tae :   what? Tell me clearly.?...

Jk ( said while holding tae's hands) :  taehyung  let me tell you . You know my parents did everything things for me from the first they never make me sad , they always do what I say. they never Complain about it.  And yes I accept that i said to marry you. But you you can say no for marriage right???

Tae: ( said in anger + calm tone, while removing Jk's hand) : are you out of mind?? Do you know what are you talking about 😠 they already started to preparation of our marriage. And if I said no then what about family's reputation what about those who are happy with our marriage. What about your parents, didn't you see there happy face Haa. ( he is saying because he didn't want to lose jungkook at any cost. )

Jk ( look down and said)  :  but still I didn't want to marry you 😔

Tae: but why ??why  DON'T YOU LIKE ME? or  does that mean  i am that bad?or you like someone else????

Jk :  what?? ( said while looking at taehyung and grabbed his collar)
What do you mean??  Haan? Yes you are right I DON'T LIKE YOU AND NOR ANYONE ELSE Okey, because I don't like someone talk about my CHARACTER. SO MR KIM TAEHYUNG MIND YOUR LANGUAGE. ( said in angry 😠 😡 tone)

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