💝reception part 1💝

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In jennie room.

jennie was sitting on the sofa while thinking something that's when jk come there and said

Jk : jennie how is your hand, now

Jennie: huh, my it's fine..

Jk: ohh ok...

Jennie: by the way how was your night ,without your husband??😏

Jk: huh what??

Jennie: tsk tsk , it's so sad right, night of the wedding the bride is alone 😏and his groom with someone else .

Jk: ohh, but you know what those things doesn't matter to me, I promise, I didn't feel Jealousy nor i get angry..

And you also know that what you did yesterday and and about me, I don't care who he is with or what he do i don't care..

Jennie: you consider yourself to smart huh??😠

Jk: not at all, and your the one who thinks 🙄 that but you are stupid 😒

( said and lift from there)

Jennie: 😤

Then jk saw tae was getting ready to leave somewhere but jk stopped him

Jk: where are you going??

Tae: huh, why should I tell you

Jk : what do you mean by that.. huh today is our reception and your going somewhere

Tae : reception?? Why are you interested in that..I mean you said you don't care about anything then the reception 🤔

Jk: yaa I'm not saying that because I am interested, it just,

Tae said : just????

Jk: it's ju..st I...am..a actu...ally ( ohh got Why I'm suffering god pls save me..)

Tae said while teasing jk : it's just what hyu..ngi 😏

Jk about reply someone comes there.

??? : ohh my god, I'm sorry I should have to Knock
The door 😳

Tae: Mom it's not like that.. what are you thinking☺️

Jk : yes mom ..😊

Jin : ohh okay I just come here to give you the reception dress so pls choose between those two actually i got confused while choosing 😅 so I come hear 😄

Jk: it's OK mom I will choose it's.

Jin : also I want to say that this reception is on Indian Culture .. so of you don't mind can you were 🥻 saree.... you will look pretty in that

Said making taekook shock

Jk : what but i don't know how to do that how can I 😦

Jin : Don't worry we will help you..

Jk : OK

Then tae said : aab Mom I should go now I have important work

Jin : ok but come on the right time, today is your function...

Tae: okk momm ,bye mom bye kookie hyungi love you guys....

Jk : ( in mind wha.t di..d he say I lov.e you 😳) ohh god

Jin : jungkook jungkook

Jk : huh ... what happened

Jin I was calling and you lost in somewhere

Jk: sorry mom... let's get ready now


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