Not exactly how we planned 2

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James was sleeping on the bed when Nicole walks in and lays down next to him. "What time did you come home last night?" Nicole asks as she wakes him up. "Late" he responds as he pulls the blanket up on his body more. "So why you in the bed?" Nicole says kissing the back of his neck.

"What do you mean?" He asks as he turns to face his wife. "I said if you come back past 2 you was sleeping in the couch" she says chuckling as he shakes his head playfully. "Okay I'll remember that next time" he says. "So there's a next time?" Nicole says as she arches her brow. "You know what I meant" James says as he gets on top of her.

They locked eyes and leaned in, their breaths mingling as their lips collided. Their kisses were slow and sensual, each one deeper than the last. The world around them faded away as they kissed, lost in the moment. Their hands roamed freely, exploring each other's bodies with a hunger that couldn't be denied. The heat between them was intense as they kissed, their bodies pressed tightly together. They broke apart only long enough to catch their breath before diving back in for another round of passionate kisses.

Before going any farther James timer goes off making him pull back from kissing her. "I gotta go baby" James says kissing her one last time before getting up. "Where you going?" Nicole asks as she gets up.

James doesn't answer but continues walking into the bathroom. "Oh I know the answer business right?" Nicole says as she smacks his butt, startling him.

"The hell nicole" James scolds as Nicole brings her head back and laughs. "You got a fatty" Nicole says laughing. "Nicole!" James yells. "You do it to me all the time" Nicole responds as she walks to the closet.
Nicole cooks breakfast for everyone and puts it in the table for them."Okay here you go" an old voice says as she gives the baby a toy. "Good, girl." She compliments as a singing her comes out of her room.  "The sun will come out Tomorrow" a voice sings as the old women looks at her. This is raina st Patrick the daughter of Nicole and James.

"Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow. There'll be sun" she sings as she sits down at the table. "Raina, what are you doing?" The old woman asks looking over at the 13 year old. "She's rehearsing, Mom." Nicole answers with a smile.

"The auditions for the Loew's school play in a month, and I want to be prepared." Raina answers with a big smile. " I'm talking about your outfit.It's not flattering in your shape, baby. How about that nice dress I bought you?" Estelle suggests making Nicole roll her eyes. Raina looks down at her outfit and then at her grandmother. "That church dress you bought her?" Nicole asks making raina giggle. "Nobody wears dresses to school, Big Mama." Raina answers.

Suddenly james walks out to the dining room and goes to little baby yasmine (who is the youngest child of Nicole and James. ) who is with Estelle. "How's Daddy's little girly boo-boo?" James says as kisses yasmine's cheek repeatedly. "Morning, Estelle." James greets as Estelle gives him a fake smile.

"Good morning." Estelle responds causing James and Nicole to exchange an eye roll over Estelle's passive aggressive attitude. "Here we go" Nicole mumbles as James goes and gives her a kiss.  It is known that Estelle doesn't like James much.

"We're gonna have a tea party and play with the castle." Estelle says as she plays with baby Yasmine.  Suddenly james gets a call making him step away from the family and into the hall as a boy comes from his room. This is tariq st Patrick the twin of Raina.

"Lobos. Are we still meeting up?" He whispers into his phone. "So I got Spanish homework due Tuesday. Think Dad could hook it up?" Tariq asks his mother. "No, you have to do your own work, boy. But if you need help I or your father can help you" Nicole answers.

"You speak Spanish mom?" Tariq asks surprised. "Hablo un poquito de Español." Nicole answers in Spanish. "So How do you guys know Spanish anyway?" Tariq ask as he takes his plate and goes to sit down.

"Yeah, Nicole how do you guys know Spanish?" Estelle asks making Nicole roll her eyes again. "It's called learning. I'm sure he learned before we met so" Nicole answers as Estelle shakes her head.


"Morning, Mrs. St. Patrick." A man greets while he walks in the house. "Hey, Shawn." Nicole greets back. "Ah, Tariq, what's up, boy?" Shawn says as he daps up tariq. " When we gonna hoop, Shawn? I've been begging you forever." Tariq says excitedly. "Maybe later Tariq, he's busy. Got a big job now. You think you all that?" Nicole says grabbing a cup. "You know how I do" Shawn boasts making Nicole laugh. "You want some breakfast? There's more than enough
to go around. Go ahead." Nicole says as she makes her way to the fridge. Shawn watches as her waist swings back and forth before grabbing a piece of bread.

"Come on, here. Here's your sippy. Here's your sippy. Good girl."Estelle compliments the baby.

"Shawn. Let's get it." James says walking from the hallway. "Son." James greets. "What's up, Dad?" Tariq says turning to his father. "How's that history report? You want me to read it later?" James asks as he hugs his son. "Sounds good." Tariq responds. "All right." James replies back.

"Have a good day." James says to his daughter before giving her a kiss. "You, too." Raina says with a smile. "Good luck, okay?" He says as he brings Nicole in by the waist. "Okay." Raina responds. "Daddy loves you." He says and kisses his wife.

"Bye." He says walking out. "Bye, baby." Nicole says back. "Good." Estelle says to the baby as she babbles. As James kisses Yasmine on the cheek Nicole makes her way to her daughter Raina. "Keep working on it, okay?" Nicole says as she kisses her cheek. "Mm-hmm." Raina hums as she continues to eat her food.

Suddenly Nicole receives a text from her best friend Tania.

Tee-tee:tryna go shopping? I have to get .... Some clothes

Nikki:yeah sure. I'm also having dinner over here and Tommy's annoying ass will be there too ;)

Tee-tee:don't start that again

Nikki: I don't know what you mean

Tee-tee: mhm sure. Anyways I'll pick you up in 10 minutes. I'll bring too Renee  to hang with Raina and Tariq

Nikki:alright cool.

Nicole puts down her phone and looks up at her mom. "Mom can you watch the kids for a few hours" Nicole asks as she makes her way to her room. "Of course I will. Where are you going?" Estelle calls out. "With Tania mama" Nicole answers as she gets a jacket from her closet. "Oh Tania's coming? Aww I love that girl" Estelle compliments.

Nicole then walks back to the dining area and grabs her keys and phone that were on the counter. Suddenly the elevator dinged and reveals Tania and her daughter Renee.

"Hey yall" Tania greets as Estelle gets up and hugs her. "Tania how are you?" Estelle asks. "I'm pretty good Ms. Estelle, how you are?" Tania responds back as Renee walks to the kids.

"Hey tariq hey raina" Renee greets as the twins look up. "Renee!" They say in unison as they run to Renee and hug her.

"Alright ma I'll leave them to you" Nicole says as she makes her way towards the elevator.

Heyyyyyy guys soooo how'd you like it???


Also my Spanish isn't good im still learning!!!

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