Whoever he is

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The sun filters through the curtains, gently waking Nicole from her slumber. She stretches her arms, taking a moment to gather her thoughts for the day ahead. She knows it's a significant one as she's set to attend a job interview, and her best friend, Tania , is the key to this opportunity.

Nicole climbs out of bed, the warmth of her sheets reluctantly left behind. She heads into the bathroom for her morning routine. The sound of running water fills the room as she steps into the shower, letting the cascading water rejuvenate her. The scent of her favorite shampoo wafts through the air, surrounding her in a comforting embrace.

After her refreshing shower, Nicole wraps herself in a fluffy towel and proceeds to get dressed. She carefully selects her outfit, nothing overbearing but formal enough.

Nicole approaches her daughter where the 5-year-old sleeps soundly. She leans down and shakes the child gently. Yasmine stirs, her eyes slowly fluttering open as she yawns and stretches her tiny arms. She looks up at her mother with sleepy but curious eyes.

"It's time to get up" Nicole says as Yasmine gets up from her bed. "Wanna get dressed first or your hair?" Nicole asks. "Uhhh my hair" Yasmine answers. "Alright what style today?" Nicole asks as she goes into Yasmine's bathroom to get her hair supplies. "A puff " Yasmine answers as she follows her mother into her bathroom.

Nicole smiles, loving her daughter's choice.  "Alright sit on the toilet" Nicole says causing Yasmine to sit on the toilet. Nicole goes into the bathroom cabinets and gets a brush,Det angling spray and a scrunchie.  She then sets them on the sink and begins Yasmin's hair.

She sprays a small amount of detangling spray onto yasmine's hair, carefully working through any knots or tangles with the soft brush. Nicole's touch is gentle, making the process a comfortable and enjoyable one for Yasmine. Nicole then gathers yasmine's hair into a high and neat puff. She goes into the cabinet one more time to get the sheen hair spray to finialize everything.

"Alright let's go eat"


The rich aroma of a homemade breakfast fills the air as she prepares a hearty meal for her children. Pancakes sizzle on the griddle, and the scent of freshly brewed coffee mingles with the morning breeze from the open window.

Nicole sits Yasmine down at the kitchen table and puts on cartoons for her to watch as she ate her pancakes. Her mother offered to watch her so that she can worry about getting this job. "Morning mom" tariq greets as he goes to sit down. "Morning baby" Nicole says sipping her coffee. Raina then makes her away into the kitchen with her uniform already on. "Morning mama" raina greets. "Morning raina" Nicole greets before serving them breakfast.

After breakfast they all went downstairs and got in the car. Nicole had to take them to school because their bus situation was complicated. As they all buckle in the car, Nicole starts driving to the school. "I love you have a good day" Nicole says as tariq and raina get out of the car. "Love you too mom" raina says happily as she closes the door. Tariq on the other hand just closes the door and begins walking causing Nicole to beep the horn and him to stop. "You gotta say I love you too" Nicole says. "Mom seriously?" Tariq asks as the students turn to the situation.

"I'm very serious. Say I love you too mom" Nicole says. "Mom" tariq says but gets cut off. "Mom I love you" Nicole repeats. "But mom" tariq says but gets cut off again. " mom I love you" Nicole interrupts causing tariq to sigh. "Love you mom" tariq says causing Nicole to smile. "I love you too son" Nicole says happily as she drives away.

With her children safely on their way to school, Nicole takes a deep breath in preparation for this job interview.


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