Whoever he is 4

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Later that night James invited Nicole out for a dinner to get away from everything. Her mother, the kids, everything. Nicole was wearing a red velvet dress that goes down your her feet and two slits on each sides with black heels. Nicole isn't exactly his best friend right about now so she hasn't been doing a lot of talking since they've been there. "I'd better be on my toes. One of these motherfuckers staring might try to take you home." James says as Nicole takes a sip of wine. "Well you know what they say one man's trash is another man's treasure" Nicole responds causing James to look at her. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asks before taking a sip of his drink.

"I'm just saying, if I'm all that, you'd be home more." Nicole says shrugging. "I'm not home because I'm working, trying to provide for you and the kids. And for that weave and that dress and those shoes." James says listing off everything causing Nicole to look at him like he crazy. " Hold on. Let me stop you right there because all of this is my real hair so don't play with me and secondly I have a job now I work with Tania." Nicole says looking at him up and down.

" alright I'm just saying I don't need you stressing me, all right?" James says grabbing his napkin to get the grease off his mout. "I ain't trying to stress you. But I ain't even got your new number and I'm your wife. You don't see part of the problem here?" Nicole says as James then takes his phone out of his pocket causing Nicole to put her fork down. James places his phone on the table as Nicole picks it up and puts the number in saved as 'dumbass'.

"Really dumbass?" James asks looking at her phone causing her to snatch her phone away from him. "Yeah when you act like my husband I'll change it back until then your name is dumbass" Nicole explains causing James to shake his head. "Now you got me and the driver." James says before taking his phone back. " You're right, baby. My bad, I forgot." James apologizes as Nicole rolls her eyes but nods. " You've been forgetting me a lot lately." Nicole mumbles before taking a sip. "Seriously?" James questions looking at her.

"Seriously what? New phones and shit? Guessing y'all had a car accident?" Nicole says turning to her husband. "We got run off the road." James says before taking a bite of his food. "Your car still running?" Nicole then questions as James wipes his mouth before speaking. " Still running, but the repairs might be too expensive to make." James answers as Nicole takes a sip of her wine and then a bite of her food. "Hmmm And the other guy's car?" Nicole asks. "Totaled. We had to tow it. So now it's about the next move." James answers as he eats his food. Nicole narrows her eyes making James look at her confused. "What?" He asks as she shrugs. "You take it to the chop shop? You still got the parts?"

"What you thinking?" James questions before sipping his drink. "Back in the day, remember what those Dominican boys did to that red truck? Half went to one garage, half to another? Stopped all that bullshit." Nicole says before taking a sip of her drink making James think about it."Hmm." James hums in response.

"More wine, ma'am?" Adonis asks, catching Nicole off guard. She looks up to see him—Adonis, her new coworker. "Donnie?" Nicole exclaims in surprise, rising from her seat to hug him, momentarily forgetting James's presence. James watches them with a darkening expression.

"I didn't know you came here?" Adonis asks, slightly taken aback as they pull apart. "Oh yeah, my husband brings me here sometimes for dinner," Nicole explains, glancing at James, who stands up.

"Yeah, her husband," James interjects, his voice carrying an edge that thickens the atmosphere. "Anyway, I had no idea you were working here," Nicole says, trying to diffuse the tension with a smile. "Oh yeah, part-time gig, two days a week," Adonis replies cheerfully, but the tension between him and James is evident .

"Oh, James, you remember Adonis, right?" Nicole questions turning to her husband, hoping to lighten the mood. James nods curtly. "Yeah, I remember him. The one who tried to steal you away in highschool and college," he says with a hint of bitterness, his gaze never leaving Adonis.

"What?" Nicole looks at James in confusion, not expecting his blunt remark."I don't remember trying to take her, but I do remember you pushing her away for... what was her name again? Angelica? Angelina? Angel?" Adonis smirks knowingly, deliberately provoking James.

"Angela," James corrects sharply. "Right, Angelica," Adonis teases, his tone mocking, which only fuels James's anger. The tension in the air is thick now, drawing the attention of other diners as the two men lock eyes in a silent battle.


At the end of the dinner Nicole managed to get them two away from each other. Right now the couple is walking to their car while James is talking about work. "The soldier that got hurt's a woman. Face all cut up. Tommy thinks she'll talk. But she was loyal, and her life was at stake." James explains as they walk down the street.

"You want a woman's loyalty, give her security. You give her that, she'll never betray you." Nicole advises as they stop infront of a car to see a body guard at the door opening it. James then grabs Nicole by the ass and pulls her into a deep kiss. Nicole finds herself kissing back until it hit her that she still annoyed and they are kissing infront of someone. "Baby. Come on." Nicole scolds as she pulls away from him. "He knows better than to watch." James says looking at the guard before looking back at his wife. "Whatever don't think you getting anything sir you ain't earn it" Nicole says as she steps in the car earning a slap on the ass. "Yeah we'll see" James mumbles to himself as he gets in the car.




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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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