Whoever he is 2

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James looks at the city as he pulls out his phone. "Hello?" The caller says politely. "Angela." James says with a smile slowly coming onto his face. "Jamie?" Angela questions. "You surprised I called? I told you I wasn't gonna let you get away again, and I meant it. Come have lunch with me." James offers as Angela sighs. "I can't. I have a presentation in front of my whole office today. Yeah, and if I know you, you've been studying on that shit for weeks." Angela says causing James to laugh and her to smile.

"Come on, girl. You gotta eat." James says trying to convince her.



"New York's so different now. City bikes, no cars in Times Square. White people living uptown." Angela jokes as she takes a bit of her lunch. They both laugh before looking at each other. "You been gone a minute." James says looking into her eyes.

"You finally got your nightclub. Your dad would've been proud." Angela says softly causing James look at her surprised. "I told you about my father's nightclub? He lost the place before we met. I didn't remember I told you that." James says in shock and confusion.

"Yeah, we told each other everything back then." Angela says putting her hand on his. "Hmm." James hums.

"The last time we had lunch, I'm pretty sure there was no linen tablecloths." Angela says jokingly."I don't think we had chairs."James adds in causing them both to laugh at the joke.

Tasha who was at the place on a blind date hears a certain voice causing her to look around until she finds James sitting with Angela. "What the hell?" Tasha mumbles as she looks at them in confusion. "Who the hell is that?" She mumbles to herself.

"We grabbed a slice at the counter at Ray's on Sutphin." James says recalling the memory of them two. "You kept refilling your Coke. The manager was giving you that evil-ass look.You kept going." Angela replies causing James to laugh. "The sign said, "free refills."" James says defending himself jokingly causing them to both laugh again.

"I was trying to get you to stay longer." James says as he looks at her up and down affectionately. "I almost missed my train." Angela remarks. "That was the idea. That was the idea." James says sadly as he looks at his plate causing Angela to feel guilty.

"Choate was the opportunity of a lifetime, but that doesn't mean it was easy to go. Jamie, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left the way I did." Angela utters sadly as she touches his arm. "Your parents made you go." James says shrugging. "But I didn't fight them." Angela says sadly. "You said you'd be back for Christmas." James states causing Angela to sigh again. "My family moved to Sunnyside after I left." Angela responds.

"I had the same number. But you were just...gone. And then when my pops died, I thought then, at least, you would reach out." James says recalling the death of his father.

"I should've been there for you. But I just knew that if I called, if I heard your voice,I would go back. I would've dropped everything for you. Everything my parents worked for, everything I'd worked for. So I made a choice." Angela explains causing James to nod in understanding.

"I wouldn't have asked you to come back. You didn't belong in the hood." James says as he grabs her hand and rubs on it affectionately.

"Neither did you." Angela says quickly. "But now we're both out, just like we always planned."

"Not exactly how we planned." James says rubbing her hand causing her to look down at the action when suddenly her phone goes off.

"Oh, shit." Angela says looking at her phone as she gets up. "What?" James asks confused. "I gotta go." Angela says putting her fork down and picking up her purse and jacket. "Now?" James questions. "I gotta get back to the office." Angela says as she pulls him into a hug. As they hug James moves his hands around Angela's waist. Unknown to them was a certain someone who is watching them. "All right." James says as they pull back. "Thanks for lunch." Angela says as she gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Mm-hmm." James hums in response he continues to hold her.

Tasha looks at them with a menu over her face as she pulls out her phone.

"You won't believe what I'm seeing"

Tasha texts and sends it. "Oh yeah you still remember the Spanish I taught you?" Angela asks in Spanish. "A little" James responds in Spanish as Angela pulls away. "Bye" she says as she walks away. "When can we do this again?" James questions causing her to stop for a second. "I'll call you" she replies as she walks down the stairs.


"Well, does James even bother to call and tell you that he's not coming home to have dinner with the kids?" Estelle says bringing the plates to the island counter.

"Though he should've at least called me I know He's working. He's trying to book a big party at the club tomorrow night for "Vogue" magazine." Nicole says cutting turkey and putting it on each plate."That's what he told you." Estelle says looking at her daughter up and down causing Nicole to sigh. "We're partners, Mama. It's a marriage." Nicole says trying not to get too much into it.

"Well, if he tells you everything, you tell me why he'd open a night club in the first place." Estelle pushes more causing Nicole to to the fridge to get juice out for the kids. "For appearances, like the Laundromat." Nicole answers as she gets cups and puts the juice in them. "Ain't no magazine party at no Laundromats, Nicole. High-fashion models, young girls. Hard for a man to say no to that." Estelle says before sitting down in a chair.

"He's not leaving me for anybody else okay?" Nicole says getting fed up with her mother.
"Now you let me tell you one thing I do know about men. There is always another ass." Estelle says making Nicole roll her eyes."Mama...please...Ghost and I are fine. And as long as I'm paying your rent, you need to mind your mouth." Nicole says cutting into the turkey. "James pays my rent. Don't get it twisted." Estelle says putting her hands on her hips. "For someone who seems to hate him that's the only nice thing I've ever heard you admit about him" Nicole says as she goes over to the stove to get the collard greens that were on. "If he leaves you, he leaves all of us. That ring on your finger ain't no insurance. You can't collect alimony on income the government don't know about." Estelle says causing Nicole to stop moving.

"Well if you must know I have a job I can provide for myself now" Nicole says before continuing on what she was doing."You ain't rich" Estelle says sternly."Neither are you yet you are here....you could've been living with Tasha but she didn't want you. I see why.." Nicole says picking up the plates and putting it on the table for her kids.

"Kids come eat!" She yells as the kids make their way to the table. Suddenly she gets a text message from her sister.

"You won't believe what I'm seeing"


Nicole texts back. Not long after she receives another text message from her sister who sends a picture.

*sends a picture*

Nicole looks at the picture and puts her phone faced down. The picture was Angela and James hugging very affectionately.

Ghost ain't right smhhhhh




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