Whoever he is 3

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Tasha walks in to find her sister on the couch looking at her phone. Nicole sits and looks at the picture of how happy James look. Nicole takes a deep breath as she continues to stare at the picture. "I can't take this the wrong way. Maybe it's just an old friend" Nicole says trying to make herself feel better. "Maybe or he's cheating" Tasha says as she hugs her sister. "Don't say that tasha" Nicole says still staring at the picture. "Oh come on look at the hand placements, the big dumbass smile. Maybe he isn't cheating but at least he's thinking about it" Tasha says but doesn't get an answer from her sister.

"Where's mama?" Tasha asks as Nicole points to her room. "And the kids?" Tasha questions causing her to point again. Tasha sighs looking at her sister and continues to hold her. "Got any wine?" Tasha asks as she gets up causing Nicole to nod. "the fridge" Nicole says as Tasha walks over to the fridge to find red wine.

"How about we forget him for right now and you confront him when he comes again" Tasha suggests as Nicole tosses her phone on the couch. "He's my husband Tasha. I can't immediately jump to conclusions like that." Nicole says as Tasha grabs two wines glasses from the dish washer. "Even with evidence?" Tasha questions. "I trust him..." Nicole says hesitantly as Tasha turns to her. "You don't sound like it. I get though it's ghost we are talking about" Tasha mumbles as she brings the glass to her sister. It was no secret Tasha wasn't exactly James' best friend but she tolerates him because of her sister.

As the night went on one drink became two which became four. Suddenly raina comes out the room to see her aunt and her mother hugging. "You okay mommy?" Raina asks making them look at her. "Yes I'm fine. What's wrong?" Nicole says as Tasha gulps all the wine so that Raina doesn't see. "Nothing I just wanted some water" Raina says as she walks into the kitchen area to grab a water bottle from the fridge. "Good night baby" Nicole says as she sends her daughter to her room. "Good night mom" raina says as she makes her way to her room.

Tariq who was eavesdropping looks at his mom and narrow his eyes. What did his dad do?


Later that night James comes home to find the bedroom door to be locked. As he jiggles the door job on the other side of the door lies Nicole looking at the door. James then pulls out his phone and calls his wife. As the phone rings Nicole looks at the phone before answering. "What?" Nicole asks as if she didn't know why he called. "The door is locked babe. Can you open it?" James asks as he wiggles the door nob. "Sleep on the couch" Nicole says before hanging up on him and sliding under her blanket.

"What the hell nik come on" James says as he knocks on the door. "Don't be so loud. You'll wake up my kids" Nicole says causing James to stop. "Can you at least give me a cover and pillow?" James asks as Nicole gets up and goes into the closet to grab a blanket and then goes back to the bed to grab his pillow. Nicole then opens the door and throws the blanket and pillow at him before closing the door again.

"Can't believe I'm on the couch in my own home" James grumbles as he makes his way to the living room.
The next day, Nicole brings the towel into the bathroom for ghost before getting her toothbrush. "Thanks, babe." James says but Nicole ignores him. "The other night... that women....Looked like you really wanted to talk to her." Nicole says as she grabs a tube of tooth paste. "I ran into a friend from high school that night. I think,I can't remember." James says as he wipes the shaving cream off his face with the towel given to him. Nicole looks at him up and down before starting to brush her teeth. "Hey, ain't no reason to trip, babe" James says reassuring her as she spits the tooth paste out before putting her toothbrush back . "Oh really? Because this picture tells me different" Nicole says pulling her phone out and showing the picture Tasha sent.

"You was spying on me?" James asks causing Nicole to look at him in disbelief. "Nigga are you serious? No I wasn't somebody sent this to me saying your man is with another woman" Nicole says jabbing her finger on his forehead. "There's no need to trip Nicole. Nothing happend" James says dismissing the idea as he tries to hug her but she backs up. "Oh really but if I were to hug a man like that you'd have a fit" Nicole says as she puts her phone on the counter. "I'm telling you she's just a friend I asked to lunch to catch up" James says assuring her, making her look at him up and down once more. "Mhm Tonight you can sleep on the couch again" Nicole says before walking out the bathroom leaving James to sigh.



"Mrs. St. Patrick, hey. I hope it's okay, I took some coffee." Shawn says as he drinks from a mug. "Help yourself." Nicole says before going into the fridge. Suddenly James walks into the kitchen. "Talk to Tommy last night?" James asks Shawn who nods. "Brand-new." Shawn says handing him a phone.

"Y'all had to rotate the phones? Something happen?" Nicole questions arching her brow in confusion as Shawn takes a sip of his coffee. "Nothing, just taking precautions." James says shaking his head causing Nicole to give him a look. "Giving that spandex a workout of its own, girl." James says smacking her ass causing her to rub it. "Damn nigga that hurt. We ain't friends you still in the dog house" Nicole says pushing him slightly.

"I'll see you tonight." James says leaning forward to kiss Nicole. "Mhm Yeah sure" Nicole says as he kisses her cheek before making his way to the elevator."Oh, wait! James Your new number!" Nicole says as Shawn and James go into the elevator causing Nicole to sigh and roll her eyes. "How the fuck am I supposed to get ahold of you now?" Nicole mumbles.


Later that night Nicole was getting ready for their date when Tania calls. "What's up girl?" Tania greets as Nicole puts her phone on speaker. "Nothing girl I might kill my husband tho" Nicole says making Tania chuckle. "Why?" Tania asks in confusion as Nicole begins to fix her makeup. "I got a photo of that stupid ass nigga and a white woman being all hugged up" Nicole says causing the phone to go silent. "Hold on bitch...you mean to tell me you ain't kill him yet?" Tania questions making Nicole shake her head. "You want me to do it? You know where the money is right? We can put this plan into action" Tania says making Nicole laugh.

"We gotta hold off on that plan for now. He's taking me on a date tonight but that don't mean he's out the dog house. Dat ass is still sleeping in the couch" Nicole says as she takes her phone and walks to her closet to look at dresses to wear. "As you should" Tania says nodding in agreement. "Well enjoy ya self girl and tell me about it when you get home" Tania says as Nicole picks out a burgundy dress and begins to put it on. "Alright girl I'll call you" Nicole says as Tania hangs up.

Not James in the dog house and happy Valentine's Day!!!




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