Not Exactly How We Planned 3

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"Girl you better not wear that to the club. You gonna get in trouble." Tania says looking at the dress Nicole has held up. "He ain't gonna do a goddamn thing." Nicole replies with an eye roll. "Yeah okay just like last time you said that." Tania says shaking her head. Last time Nicole didn't heed Tania's warning she couldn't walk for the next few days.

"Anyways. What about tommy?" Nicole says grabbing another dress."what about him?"
Tania asks arching her brow making Nicole give her a look. "You know you like him. You know you want that white meat" Nicole says as she dances seductively making Tania shake her head.
"You so stupid" Tania says jokingly. "So how's the business going?" Tania asks trying to change the subject.

Nicole saw what she was doing and decided to go along with it. "Good I assume. We don't talk about business much. Every morning Shawn comes for James and off they go." Nicole answers as she goes into a changing room. "How are the kids?" Tania questions going into the room next to her. "Fine. Same old same old. Raina got a major role in her play." Nicole says putting on her dress.

"Ohh that's so nice. I can't wait to see it" Tania says slipping on her dress. "Yeah. She's growing up so fast. Next is a boyfriend" Nicole says setting out in a tight black dress. "Yeah right. Like tariq and James would let her" Tania says back as she walks out revealing a red tight dress making her curves stand out.

"I've been thinking I should get a job" Nicole says checking herself out. "Why? You literally have a husband who is rich." Tania asks giving her a weird face. "I need my own money just in case of anything" Nicole replies.

"Hmm what he gonna leave you for a white woman?" Tania asks going into her purse that was located on the chair and pulls out her phone to take pictures. "I'll kill him if he does" Nicole says with disgust. "That aint gonna happen" Tania reassures her friend as they continue to get clothes. "But since you said job I'll put in a good word at my job" Tania says with a smile making Nicole look at her.

Tania worked as an assistant nurse at a hospital and they are in need for another. Tania and Nicole were in the same highschool and college but Nicole decided not to go further, Tania did. "Do you remember Adonis? From highschool ?" Tania asks smirking as she gathers all the outfits she picked out.

Adonis and Nicole had history in the past, they went to the same middle school and highschool. They also dated for about 2 years before breaking up because he moved. There was no bad blood between them but they didn't keep in touch. "What does he have to do with anything?" Nicole asks taking off the dress she had on. "He works with me at the hospital" Tania finishes. "What?!? Really? Wow it's been so long" Nicole mumbles.

"I know that's what I said" Tania says chuckling.


After spilling tea while shopping Nicole and Tania went back home.

"It's the lead, uncle Tommy. If I get it, it'll be like a huge deal. 'Cause I'm only in the fifth grade." Raina says walking to the table with her plate. "I'm sure you got the best singing voice in the whole place, baby girl" Tommy says eating. "When are you gonna stop calling me that? I'm not the baby anymore. Jasmine is." Raina says as she rolls her eyes in annoyance. "I was there when you were born. You'll always be baby girl to me." Tommy says making Tania smile.

"To all of us, baby girl." Estelle adds in. "Here you garbage disposal , have some more chicken." Nicole says handing Tommy a plate. Tommy loved eating but he can't cook to save his life. "Mmm, oh. Mmm. Thanks, Nikki." Tommy says with his mouth full. "You know, if you meet a girl who can cook, I bet we'd never see you again." Nicole says winking at Tania making her roll her eyes. Tommy just laughs shaking his head before saying "No way that'll ever happen. I gotta come over here and school Tariq in Call of Duty."

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