Chapter Two

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Cerise and Bella walked through the school

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Cerise and Bella walked through the school. Bella tried to wrap her head around the map she had been given. With Cerise in a few AP classes, she had a slightly different timetable than Bella. "You know I can still walk you to your classes. And on top of that, I have a few friends who can help show you around,"

"You have friends?" Bella remarked. Cerise jokingly shoved her slightly, but the smile gave away the apparent lack of malice. 

"Speak of the devil," Cerise remarked as a boy joined them. A wide smile on his face. He didn't seem to acknowledge Cerise, too preoccupied with Bella. Cerise chuckled. She hadn't expected anything different. 

"You're Isabella Swan, the new girl. Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place. Um, anything you need? Tourguide? Lunch date? Shoulder to cry on?" Cerise tried to contain her laughter. Eric was a sweet guy and one of the first people she became friends with in the school, second to Jessica. She looked to Bella to see the girl with shoulders to her ears and a nervous smile on her face. Bella wasn't expecting something so forward, so quickly.

"Eric, let's tone it down a bit", Cerise warned, linking her arm with Bella's. Bella smiled at the blond, relaxing slightly. Eric looked at Cerise sheepishly. Cerise was the mother figure of the group. More mature than most of them. Something the group tended to find helpful as she kept them from ripping each other's faces off. Most student's found it odd how such different people would find friendship with one another. Girly, Geeky, Nerdy and Sporty. Then Cerise. She had short hair, cut in a wolf-cut style. Her hair was obviously slightly fried from the bleach, her black roots starting to push through. Her outfits consisted of old band shirts, jeans, leggings and oversized jackets she nicked from her mum and dad. The group was a mess, but friends nonetheless.

"Uh, I'm really more of the suffer-in-silence type," Bella said, trying to ease the awkwardness that seeped through them all. 

"Good headline for your feature. I'm on the paper, and you're news, baby, front page" Cerise let her head fall, pinching the bridge of her nose. Bella was nervous anyways; adding a newspaper section all about her would not help. She had told her friends about this, but as per usual, they didn't listen.

"I told you not to run it!"

"No, I'm not. You- please don't have any sort of-" Both Cerise and Bella exclaimed simultaneously. Eric seemed to get the message quickly, agreeing to no feature. The two girls looked at one another; it would be a long day.

Cerise dragged Bella away. Taking her to her first class before going to hers. However, Cerise couldn't shake the small pit that started to form in her stomach. Ignoring it, she walked off towards AP Chemistry.


"Glad to see you've met everyone," Cerise said, sitting beside Bella. The group was last around the table. Bella nodded but kept looking down and playing with her food. Cerise nudged her slightly, worrying about her friend. Bella looked up at her with a small smile, only to receive Cerise tilting her head. Cerise, once again, reading the girl like a book wide open.

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