Chapter Seven

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Bella had come home. She had returned soon after running off. She had tried to talk to Cerise. But the girl had shut her out. Not that Bella could blame her. Cerise had been grieving her father, someone who had died because Bella was close to them, not that Cerise knew that. She just knew that in the moment she needed her best friend the most, she drove off, leaving her with nothing.

Edward had felt guilty too. Knowing that the pain was because of them. Due to the Vampire's affiliation with Bella, Cerise and Rhys were now orphans. And there was nothing that Edward could do to change that. Bella had wanted to tell Cerise the moment she knew. Edward was the one that stopped her, claiming it would keep her safe.

Bella had been trying to make it up to Cerise from the moment she returned. Cerise wanted to forgive Bella. But a small part of her wanted to slap her across the face. Especially as she stood there as Mike and Jessica's third wheel, most of her prom had been planned with Bella. With her plans out of the window, she stood by the food. Shoving cake in her face whenever a boy would approach.

Should I have asked Paul to come with me? she thought. Standing there alone felt more embarrassing than that one time she had puked on her teacher in front of the entire class.

"Is there any way I can make it up to you," Cerise had ignored her approach. Paying Bella no attention. A small part of her was thankful that Edward hadn't followed Bella over. Leaving the two to themselves. Cerise thought for a moment. She could keep it going. Push Bella further and further. Yet, she could imagine her father scolding her for not giving Bella a chance. For pushing away her best friend.

"You left me. My father died, and you drove off. It'll take way more than an I'm sorry to repair that," Bella nodded, lowering her head to the ground. Playing with a bracelet. Despite their argument, the two still donned the friendship bracelets they made before Bella left the first time-a promise never to forget one another. "But we can work on it. I won't be able to hate you forever." the corners of Cerise's lips turned up slightly. Bella broke out into a wide smile.


Cerise walked into her home. Looking around at the mess that had accumulated. Her brother was off work for bereavement. He locked himself in his room. The only time he opened it was when Cerise knocked on the door with food. Between school, working as a singer in the local bar and caring for her brother, she hadn't had time to clean. Yet she looked at the house and had no idea where to start. She had no energy for it, still grieving herself.

She squeezed her eyes closed, taking a deep breath. Walking past the piles of plates, clothes and other items. She opened the back door and slinked out. Pulling a cigarette and lighter out of her pocket.

The eyes were gone. The beedy red ones that reached into her soul. Since that night when Bella left, she never saw them again.

She placed the cigarette between her lips. Her thumb brushed against the end. A tiny spark caught her eye, and she moved the thing from her mouth. The end of it lit. She looked at the lighter, which sat firmly in her hand, by her side.

How did that just happen?

That's the end of book one! Twilight is finished, and it is on to New Moon next. Which means Cerise is probably gonna get dragged even further into the supernatural world. See you soon with a Moon of Stars.

A Moon Of Blood • Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now