Chapter Five

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Cerise stood in the kitchen

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Cerise stood in the kitchen. Stirring the coffee in front of her over and over again. Her mind was lost in daydreams. The exhaustion finally catching up to her. She closed her eyes. She felt like she was floating. At that moment, she felt tired enough to fall asleep while standing up. Swaying from side to side. 

A knock at the door made her jump. The sudden adrenaline washed all tiredness from her body. She walked to the front door and swung it open to see two boys standing in front of her. She recognised Sam and his warm smile. He was holding a tray of what smelt like the most amazing biscuits Cerise had ever smelt. "Sam?" She questioned. Her eyes flicked over to the boy next to him. 

Her breath caught in her throat for a moment. Her eyes were glued to the beautiful man. She was so distracted she missed Sam's wide smile as he glanced between them. "This is Paul," He introduced him. Cerise smiled at him, offering her hand out.

"I'm Cerise,"

"Nice to finally meet you," Even his voice sounded like music to her ears. He shook her hand. She stood back, letting them into the house. 

"Emily baked you some biscuits," The girl gladly took the tray with an excited squeak. She placed them on the coffee table, lifting up the foil. She offered the boys some. They happily took them, and she grabbed one herself. "We wanted to check up on you," 

"Thank you," She mumbled through a mouth full of biscuits. Rhys jogged down the stairs. Wondering who his sister was talking to. He was treated by two men and his sister, who was holding a biscuit out to him. "Rhy, this is Sam and Paul. They're from the reserve,"

"Nice to meet you guys," Rhys warily said. He had never heard his sister speak of them. Then again, he and Cerise rarely had time to speak. Too busy caring for their father or trying to get some sleep. Rhys didn't fail to see the small glances that his sister and Paul seemed to be sharing. It made him realise how detached he had become from his little sister's life. "Can I get you guys a drink?" Rhys asked. The two nodded, and the four moved to the kitchen.

Cerise and Paul sat on the sofa while Sam and Rhys conversed in the kitchen. Cerise sat with her feet on the sofa; knees pulled to her chest. "How come I've never met you before?" Cerise asked, messing with her fingers. Not once looking at Paul. "I've been to La Push beach loads of times," She continued. 

"I rarely go down there," Paul lied. Truth be told, he had just been unlucky enough never to be there when she was. He watched her now. The way the sun beamed through the window, bouncing off her skin. The way she curled into herself like she was afraid. Not of him. No. He'd seen the look she gave him when they first locked eyes. He prayed it was the look of her returning how he felt. The overwhelming desire to be with her. 

He couldn't. To protect her from the world enclosing around her, he had to keep her in the dark. Alpha's orders. He wanted nothing more than to tell her that she was his mate. Tell her who he was, who she hung around. What was watching her every night. A small part of him despised Sam for that. 

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