Chapter Three

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To Bella's surprise and Cerise's dismay, the Cullen boy hadn't turned up to school for a while

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To Bella's surprise and Cerise's dismay, the Cullen boy hadn't turned up to school for a while. Cerise, however, was happy that Bella had seemed to settle in more. She was starting to get used to the chaos that was Cerise's friends. She was a part of the group. The two had grown closer too. How that was possible, the two couldn't comprehend. Bella often went to work with Cerise on weekends, where she sang at a local bar. It wasn't much money, but it was something. Bella didn't mind it. The bar was a welcoming space run by two British people who had moved there three years prior. The couple were young and had moved to America seeking a better life than the British city. Cerise almost felt bad for them. Considering they were slumming it in Forks instead of living the dream in the Big Apple as they had wanted. 

"Did you hear about the Animal attacks?" Cerise asked Bella, smoke rolling from her lips as she asked. A newspaper in her hand. Her dad loves to read them. Gets him in the know of what's happening outside of his room. She'd often take them first, reading through and removing all the negative stories. Forks didn't tend to have much going on, so most times, he would get the majority of the paper. That day, however, was all about the supposed animal attacks. 'I'll have to tell him it got ruined in the rain', She thought.

"My dad's gone to try and help them hunt it down," Bella added. The fear washed off her like a tsunami. Cerise shoved the paper in her bag, wrapping her arm around Bella's shoulders and pulling her into a hug. The worried brunette gladly accepted it. 

"Bella! Cerise!" Eric called, walking over to the two as they pulled away. Cerise smiled and waved happily at him. She dropped the cigarette, putting it out before the three of them began walking into the school. Cerise turned, looking into the forest. 

"You guys go ahead. I left something in the car," She told them. They nodded their heads and walked inside. She stepped closer to the forest. Looking for the eyes that were trained on her like a hawk. Her stomach was doing flips. She couldn't see anything. But the feeling of eyes burning into her soul was a feeling that stuck with her through the day.


"So he talked to you like it was nothing?" Cerise asked Bella. She shook her head as if the motion would allow her mind to get around what she was hearing. Edward had finally come back to school. On top of that, he acted as though he had done nothing wrong. It made her want to punch him more. Bella seemed happier than ever. As though she had completely forgotten what he had acted like.

"He actually talked to me today. He was asking about why I moved and the weather-"

"The weather?" Cerise asked. 

"Look, it's not a big deal. Let's just head home. Are you coming over to get started on English?" Cerise sighed but nodded.  The moment they stepped outside, her eyes locked with those of Edward Cullen. She glared at him. She hoped to get across her disdain for him.

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