Chapter Six

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Cerise stormed through the doors to the hospital, Paul following closely behind her

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Cerise stormed through the doors to the hospital, Paul following closely behind her. Her eyes landed on the police that covered the hallways. Talking to various people. Patients. Doctors. She walked forwards, her eyes landing on Rhys and Charlie talking. Her brother had his head bowed, hands covering his face. His body shook with sobs. Charlie rested a hand on the boy's shoulder. She stopped as she noticed two bodies lying at her side. Paul placed a hand on her back. Her heart stopped. Stumbling back from the bodies. A choked sob shook her body as she began to piece everything together.

"Cer," She turned back to her brother. His face was tomato red. Tear marks staining it, running down his cheeks. Drops falling from his jaw. Cerise shook her head. Rhys stepped forwards, enveloping his little sister in a hug. Holding her close to him. Reassuring himself that he at least had her left. "He's gone, Cer,"

"He can't be," She managed to say between sobs. Rhys stepped back. One of his hands trying to wipe the tears that irritated his skin. "I don't understand," She whispered. She turned, locking eyes with Carlisle Cullen. He was meant to save him. He said he saved him, she thought. The cry, turned to hyperventilation. She could only see crimson red. Her hands balled into fists at her side. Adrenaline cursed through her body.

In the blink of an eye, Cerise was in front of the man. Breathing heavy. Carlisle didn't want to look at the poor girl in front of him. Everyone in the building could feel the sadness and anger flowing from her, as though she needed people to feel how she felt. 

Carlisle watched the grieving girl. He knew what was coming. And he braced. A sharp slap made everyone stop. "You said he was fine! You said you saved him," She screamed. Paul raced over, holding her back from attacking the man further. Rhys watched with a hand over his mouth. Trying to stop crying. He didn't know how to comfort his sister. 

"It wasn't Carlile, Cer. It was the animal. One of the nurses took your father outside to get some fresh air. It got them both," Charlie tried to explain to the girl. Standing between her and Carlisle. Cerise felt her legs give way. Paul lowered her to the ground. Once again, pulling her to his chest.

"It's not fair," She cried. Carlisle looked between the girl and the shapeshifter. Watching how even his presence helped calm her. And while he felt for her, he knew that Paul wouldn't let her get hurt. 


Thunder rolled over the house. Echoing. A sudden coldness embraced Forks. Cerise sat on the sofa, blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Her knees pulled to her chest. Head resting against the back of it. Paul walked around. Holding a cup of tea for the girl.  

Forcing a quaint smile, she gratefully took it from his hands. Paul sat beside her. His eyes scanned every inch of her body. Trying to push down the feeling of pure rage he felt. Seeing his mate sat there. Streaks of dried tears still stuck to her face. The cheeky, joyful smile is no longer present. Not even the biscuits that Sam had brought had cheered her up. Her brother was no better. He stayed in the room—the one where he had last seen his father. Lay there as he struggled to breathe. Paul wanted to comfort Cerise. He wanted to hold her close and promise that nothing would hurt her. But it was no use. 

Cerise enjoyed the rumbling of thunder. Her thoughts were hidden beneath the noise. Music to her ears. She was thankful to Paul and Sam for staying with her and her brother at that moment. She couldn't explain the comfort she got by just having Paul around, as though the world couldn't touch her as long as he was there. Instead, it targeted everyone around her. The darkness fled from her, infecting those she loved. A small part of her wanted to keep Paul around just to make sure he was alive and safe and that the shadows hadn't suffocated him too.

They didn't speak. They didn't need to. Being around each other was enough. 

Cerise was pulled out of her gloom by the sound of shouting. Bella. In a second, Cerise was up and running out of the front door. The worst-case scenario plaguing her mind. She just lost her father; she couldn't lose her best friend too. 

Cerise let out a sigh of relief as she saw Bella arguing with her father. Though the relief was short-lived as she watched Bella chuck bags into the orange truck. Her heart sank. Tears pricked her eyes. "Bella?" She shouted, catching the attention of her friend.

She stormed over. Her heart pounding in her chest. Bella slid into the truck as she reached the car. Her lip pulled between her teeth. "Bella, you can't leave right now," Cerise tried to argue with her. Bella shook her head, sighing.

"I can't stay here, Cer. I need to get out of Forks," She argued. She halted for a  second. Finally, noticing the puffy rings of red around her friend's face. Silver streaks stuck to her face.

"Bella, my dad just died. I can't lose you too. Please." Cerise begged. Bella's face softened for a moment. She didn't respond, however. Instead, she turned on the ignition and started driving off. Leaving Cerise behind. The blond froze. Staring at where the truck had once been. Tears welled in her eyes. None of them dared to fall. She left. Her best friend had driven off. Not a word. No sorry. No. She left her behind. 

Cerise looked up. The red glared back at her. Paul stood behind her. Yet he didn't feel safe. The red eyes looking at her through the thick greenery didn't seem threatening. 

She dared it. 

Dared it to step out. To fight the fury that raged in her. The fire blazed in her eyes. 

Isabella was nothing to her anymore. 

Paul stood behind her. Watching. He didn't want to interfere. To tell her everything was going to be alright. He saw the eyes too. The hunger festering in the red that watched her. He couldn't protect her. Not without telling her the truth. 

He couldn't tell her. He couldn't protect her. 

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