You make me laugh

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Isaac's POV

I could get used to this routine of walking every morning and spending some time talking with a beautiful and strong woman.

No, Isaac, snap out of it; you can't fall for her. Your strategy has worked so far; you don't get hurt when you don't get attached.

Stay focused, finish the investigation, and leave as soon as possible!

Nia is an incredibly strong person. 

She is less guarded around me now. Not even Xavier can believe how much we are hanging out together. 

The truth is I haven't had this connection with someone before.

I am starting to feel uneasy about it. I don't want to become attached to Nia; I will leave as soon as we figure out how to stop the murders.

I know she is very self-conscious about her scars, so she wears long sleeves and pants or skirts.

From what Xavier told me, scars cover the left side of her body.

I could tell her that I know everything about scars. 

In fact, if it wasn't for my werewolf side, I would be a canvas of scars, from the ones my father left to the ones my fights granted me. 

Specially a quite gruesome looking one on the left side of my face and arm after I got electrocuted—wasn't that one fun?

But I can't tell her that!


As Isaac was in his thoughts, Nia stepped out to put a new menu sign. 

Suddenly Isaac noticed Nia's heart beating faster and the sound of high heels coming her way. 

When he turned around, he saw an incredibly stunning woman with a judgmental look and a mean smile addressing Nia with a condescending tone. (Author's note: this is a small character, but I imagined her being played by Bella Thorne) 

"Hey, dear, I still don't understand why you don't let other people interact with the public while you stay in the kitchen. That way, you don't need to face the stare of everyone shocked by your current appearance."

Isaac was mad; how could someone be so rude? In a way, it reminded him of Jackson back when he was a d**k.

Without realizing what he was doing, Isaac walked out, putting his arm around Nia's shoulders, saying, "Honey, I need you inside for a moment, you know I am terrible with the croissants, and I don't want to ruin them."

Nia immediately caught up to his tactic and played along with a big smile. 

"Antoinette, this man is lost without me. If you need to place an order, please come inside".

Antoinette turned around and left, mumbling mad.

The moment they entered the bakery, they both burst up laughing.

"Mr. Lahey, I didn't know you had it in you to be a prankster; thank you for saving me from that snake."

Nia was laughing so much that she didn't notice a bucket on the floor and tripped, falling right into Isaacs's arms, it suddenly felt like the world stood still, and it was only them.

They were looking intensely into each other's eyes; she was getting lost in his blue eyes while he did the same in her hazel eyes.

Suddenly they were not laughing, and he was getting down dangerously close to her lips. He could feel her heart out of control.

The sudden need to kiss her was driving him crazy, but then his phone rang, interrupting the energy between them.

Nia stepped back and hurried to the kitchen while he responded. Xavier was looking for him; new information had just arrived on the case.

When he finished talking on the phone, he went to say goodbye, and they both acted as if nothing had happened, ignoring the chemistry they felt just a few minutes earlier.

Nia's POV

I hate how my body reacts every time I see Antoinette. We used to be best friends, although now that I look back, I think she was a Regina type of friend, mean to the bone, and I was just too naïve to realize it.

I am glad she doesn't come around this side of the town often and that I don't need to see her holding hands with Val, my first and only boyfriend.

We were dating in high school, and then, after the attack on my house, Val left me there alone and only visited me once. 

After that, he stopped answering my messages, and the next thing I heard through the little old gossiping ladies was that he was dating Antoinette, who also pretty much dropped me after the attack.

The day I heard they got engaged, I realized I was not giving love a chance again. Plus, who am I kidding? Nobody will even try to get close to me—let's face it, for many, I look like a monster.

The fact that Isaac tried to get me out of the situation was nice, but what is the point? He will leave soon, and Antoinette will surely return to bother me.

I am already used to being the outcast in this town; I can handle it. I don't need anyone to save me!

Beyond the Scars (Isaac Lahey/Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now