The Pact

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Isaac recognized the howl of a True Alpha. Scott was here, as well as Jackson and Ethan. He couldn't believe it, but he was glad backup had arrived. The battle outside ensued again.

Not only members of his Beacon Hills pack were there, but he also saw Chris Argent running with Xavier inside to try to protect them.

Not only members of his Beacon Hills pack were there, but he also saw Chris Argent running with Xavier inside to try to protect them

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Katrina knew her men were having trouble holding the battle outside, so she had to act soon. She dragged Nia into a weird witchy symbol she had drawn on the floor and started chanting in a trance with a dagger raised, ready to strike. Isaac jumped and covered Nia's body with his own, receiving a fatal wound.

The pain was like nothing he had ever felt, and he was trying to activate the healing, but it wasn't working.

He howled in pain, and everyone in the house heard him. Within minutes all his allies were inside, looking at the horrific scene.

Nia was cradling him in her arms while black blood came out of his mouth. Nia was crying and pleading with him to stay with her.

"You kept your promise; you protected me. Now, please don't do this, don't leave me. Fight it; I need you; our story just started, please!" Matthias was now awake and crying beside Nia.

Isaac didn't have much strength and felt that if he had to die, he would do it in his true love's arms, surrounded by people who cared. He wasn't as alone as he always thought; not a terrible way to go.

Katrina tried to take advantage of the shock and confusion to stab Nia and finish her ritual, but then a ghostly figure jumped out of the darkness, growling with blue, glowing eyes, shredding her to pieces. Whatever hunters were left standing ran at the awful sight.

The figure was now clearer to see. Deaton suddenly understood the weird things Isaac had experienced in the house. He had only heard the legends but had never witnessed a real case.

In rare occasions, a werewolf would be so tied to an earthly anchor that it wouldn't be able to transition to the next level at death, stuck in the in-between. Without a doubt, this presence was Michael's spirit.

"Michael, are you here with us? What happened to you?" said Deaton.

Nia held Isaac as if she could avoid death taking him away with the tighter she held him. Unfortunately, his breathing was erratic, and the werewolves in the room could notice his heartbeat becoming dangerously slow.

Beyond the Scars (Isaac Lahey/Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now