The next victim

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Nia's POV

It was uncomfortable facing Isaac when I woke up in his bed and in my camisole. 

First, I don't even know how I got here. Then, the last thing I remembered I was in his arms, and things were heating up faster than I could handle. I have never felt like that in my life.

When I was dating Val, we had a few make-out sessions but nothing as raw and authentic as what I felt last night. I recall my heart racing but then a scary feeling growing in the back of my neck, like someone was watching us. 

For the past several years, I have felt a presence in my house, but my therapist has always told me it is a result of my trauma. If Isaac reacted to it, then I am not as crazy as I sometimes think I am.

The rest is a blur. Did he carry me in his arms? I remember something like that.

Anyway, when I woke up, he assured me nothing had happened between us, and I believed him. I am assuming I would at least remember my first time.

He saw my scars and didn't care; that made my heart flutter, but maybe he was trying to be polite, and the wounds repulsed him. I don't know what to think.


"I am sorry if I got carried away last night. I am blaming the medication," she said while her cheeks turned pink.

He was obviously a lil bit uncomfortable and, out of nervousness, put his hand behind his neck, looking down. After all, she was still in her revealing camisole, making it very difficult for him to focus on the conversation.

"Nia, no need to apologize. I meant what I said. I think you are gorgeous, and if it wasn't because I am leaving town soon, I would probably love to spend more time with you," said Isaac while he slapped himself mentally for saying those words.

Nia felt a knot in her throat. She had finally decided to open herself to the possibility of letting her walls down, and now he was unwilling to even try. 

So, she kept a poker face replying. "Very well, Mr. Lahey. I appreciate your honesty, and I agree with you. Maybe it is best if we try to keep things cordial and stick to the topic you care about."

"Before you start your questions, though, could you please give me something to cover myself? I am still wondering how I will get back home dressed like this".

Isaac smiled and said Braeden was on her way with some clothes to borrow from her and could probably give her a ride home on her motorcycle.

"I wish I could tell you what happened. However, according to my therapist, my brain blocked that night as a defense mechanism. I have tried many times to remember what happened, but I only get terrifying glimpses," said Nia.

"I remember my parents' laughter coming from the kitchen, seeing Patricia wearing a beautiful red dress. I also remember Michael pacing in my room," Nia said with her eyes closed as if she was trying to put the picture together of that night.

Her voice was trembling, and her breathing started to get erratic.

"Michael is talking to me, I can't hear the words, but the next thing I see is his eyes glowing while he covered me with a duvet and threw me out of the window," she exhaled with tears now falling down her cheeks.

"I barely survived the fall from the third floor and through the greenhouse ceiling. Shards of glass did a number on my body, but the Doctors explained that probably the duvet and the bags of dirt I landed on helped lessen the impact. They said I would probably not have survived if I had hit the concrete directly."

Nia was completely submerged in her memories, or the ones she could grasp. She was shaking, and Isaac could see her lips getting almost purple.

Isaac held her hands to try to bring her back to the present. By instinct, she hugged him as she came out of her memories, now crying in his chest, hiding her head as if he could protect her from her thoughts.

"It's ok, Nia, we won't let anyone hurt you. I promise I will protect you!"

"Mr. Lahey, please don't make promises you don't intend to keep."

That hurt!

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