A Heartfelt Reunion!

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"Fun fact: I used to have a trainer!" Brixa says. "We would work on Pokémon contests together. I think that's part of what inspired me to be an idol. She was one too!"

"Oh? What was her name?"

"I don't want you to immediately know who she is, silly!"

"You're very confusing. Anyway, should we keep training Eelektrik? It's really close to evolving into an Eelektross!"

"Hm... sure!"

"Alright, then come on out!" You send out Eelektrik.

"Wait!" Iris says. "Your Surtorch evolved into Magnarok, so I wanna evolve Ymirime too!"

"A two on one?" Brixa asks. "Heh. Fine then. Prepare yourselves! I won't hold back!"

"Go, Ymirime!"

"Eelektrik, use Dark Pulse!"

"Ymirime! Ice Beam!"

Brixa blocks both attacks with Fire Spin. Her tail makes slight contact with Eelektrik's Dark Pulse though. "Ouch! Heh, guess I'm a little off my game today! Fine then! Psybeam!" Brixa fires off a Psybeam and hits Ymirime, then fires off a flamethrower that hits Eelektrik.

Both Pokémon begin glowing and growing...

Scanning the other Pokémon with your Pokédex, you learn more about it

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Scanning the other Pokémon with your Pokédex, you learn more about it.

Scanning the other Pokémon with your Pokédex, you learn more about it

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"Jotundra. The Frost Giant Pokémon, and the fully evolved form of Hailmet. An Ice and Dragon Type. Jotundra is the king of Iceskjöld Mountain. Its icy armor sparkles like the boreal aurora. One blow from its powerful arms can freeze a large area around it. It is the sworn enemy of Magnarok."

"WOW!!" Iris shouts. "Now, Jotundra, use Freezing Fury!"

"Woah woah woah time out!" A mysterious voice calls out. "Wait- BRAIXEN!?"

"Serena, I told you, call me BRIXA!!"

"Wait," you interrupt. "Serena, are you Brixa's trainer?"

"I was, yeah."

"Did you two have a falling out of sorts?"

"We did," Brixa says. "She was always busy with her stupid contests, never spending time with me. Her first Pokémon. Just her Sylveon."

"I... didn't realize," Serena says. "For what it's worth, I'm... so sorry..."

"Hmph. I won't reject the apology, but it'll take a lot more than that to get me to forgive you, Serena."

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