Chapter 1-10

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Chapter 1

    1966, June, Qingcheng.

    This is an antique, regular and well-preserved three-entry courtyard house. It was originally the old house of the Lin family. Now, except for the Lin family living in two rooms, the other rooms have been allocated to the workers of the machinery factory.

    There is a perennial Chinese toon tree outside the wall, and its branches with dense leaves extend to the window of a room in the west wing of the second entrance courtyard, bringing the noisy cicadas and heat in early summer. Lin Qiao was sitting by the window, listening to the conversation of the people outside.

    "Manzhi, we watched Lin Qiao grow up. I am very satisfied with her and like her very much. We are reluctant to part with her, but in your family's situation, we have no choice but to withdraw from the marriage. We don't want to make trouble, you He is a reasonable person, please understand."

    The person who spoke was the mother of Chen Qicheng, the object of Lin Qiao's baby.

    The ancestors of the Lin family were the most prominent capitalists in Qingcheng.

    During the Anti-Japanese War, Lin Qiao’s grandfather used a large amount of money to support the independent group led by Chen Qicheng’s grandfather. Since then, the relationship between the two families has been very close. When the third generation was born, the two children were about the same age, and they ordered a doll when they were two or three years old. relative.

    Two months ago, the Lin family, who originally lived in a garden bungalow and received huge dividends from several factories, suddenly encountered an accident. They moved from the bungalow to a courtyard house where several people lived. The dividends were cancelled, and all money and goods were handed over. Decentralized to Cloud Province Farm.

    No, the Lin family was in decline, and the Chen family came to withdraw immediately.

    Just two months ago, Chen's mother was very fond of and satisfied with her future daughter-in-law. She once held Lin Qiao's hand affectionately and said, "You will be promoted to deputy battalion commander in a year or two after departure. You are a college student. The two are a good match, and he likes you very much. He hopes that you will graduate from college as soon as possible. After you graduate, I will let him come back to visit relatives, and you can finish the marriage." If it wasn't for the Lin family's misfortune, this marriage should continue step by step

    . They should be married in a month or two.

    "Why should I understand you? It's your family's snobbish eyes. It turned out that it was your Gao Panlin family. I was afraid that Lin Qiao would look down on Chen Qicheng, and the Lin family didn't dislike you. They were both about to get married. Hurry up." Sister-in-law Huang Meiqin said angrily.

    "We didn't foresee the current situation. Not to mention that my father and I both work in the government department. We started out as military officers. We can't marry Lin Qiao, and we can't even pass the political trial." Mother Chen looked worried. .     "Aren't you just worried that the Lin family will be a drag on your family? The marriage was arranged by your father on his own initiative. Chen Qicheng has delayed Lin Qiao for so many years. If it weren't for the baby relatives with your family, our Lin Qiao should have a marriage contract with some young talent Why do you retreat as soon as you say, it’s useless for you to come, let your old man talk about it. You don’t even think about it, our family Lin Qiao retired, where will she face?” Lin’s mother, Xu Manzhi,     sat They drank tea at the table and kept silent. In the current situation, the relatives would definitely retreat. Huang Meiqin naturally understood it very well, but she was just showing off her tongue.     She didn't stop her, hearing what Huang Meiqin said made her feel happy.     Mother Chen looked at the robbery, looked embarrassed, looked at the cigarettes and alcohol on the table and said, "Didn't I bring something to the door? She took out a stack of Da Tuan from her pocket. It's two hundred dollars. It's a little thought from us, and I think we've done our best."     Huang Meiqin glanced at the stack of money, snobbishly eyeing the family's compensation, of course she wanted to accept it, but she was very reserved and a decent person, but seeing her mother-in-law sternly stopped her, She dared not act rashly.     Lin Qiao listened silently to the conversation of several people in the room. If the child's lover came to withdraw the marriage before the family accident happened, she would think it was a humiliation, but now this matter can't arouse her any emotions.     Probably because he felt that it was only natural for others to come to withdraw their marriage. As expected, it would happen sooner or later.     It's not normal if you don't come and withdraw.     She walked out from the inside, stood opposite Chen's mother, picked up a net bag full of cigarettes and alcohol on the table, and stuffed it into Chen's mother's hand, as if to see off the guests: "Auntie, my mother has retired, the Lin family does not lack you." Belongings, take your money and things and go."     The gestures were polite and decent, with an obvious sense of refusal and alienation, which made people feel that no matter how bad her situation was, she could not be offended.

The story of a mother raising a baby in the 1960sWhere stories live. Discover now