Chapter 21-25

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Chapter 21 (1)

    Wei Huimin said to his uncle: "Isn't he the head of the regiment? The army officer doesn't care about local affairs, and he has no power in his hands. I, the director of the factory office, has more power than him in the local area. Besides, he will be assigned to guard the army immediately." Desert Island, dare to threaten me before departure! I don’t believe his hand can reach back to Qingcheng.

    Besides, he dared to marry the capitalist’s daughter. Although he has already been punished to guard the island, I think this punishment is far from enough. It should be increased. The organization should also investigate whether he and his family have colluded with the big capitalists, maybe he has been having an affair with the capitalists' family for the past 20 years." This nephew is almost a true inheritance from his uncle


    Uncle Wei Huimin's face was pale, his brows were tangled together, and his face was almost distorted by anger: "Go on, talk."

    Wei Huimin observed his uncle's expression, thinking that his uncle was also angered by Gu Lin, and let him continue, and was shocked. Encouragement said: "Marrying a capitalist's daughter is in itself a mistake. It is difficult for people like them to catch the handle. Uncle, if you catch his mistake, put him on the line and pull him down, this is also your political achievement."

    He tried his best to say, "Uncle, this is an opportunity to come to your door! He threw himself into the trap and sent it to you. If you can accomplish this, you will have a bright future." Wei Huimin's uncle

    's eyes flickered coldly, Staring at his nephew, he was furious, and when the other party finished speaking, he stood up and slapped the table with his palm, almost smashing the table into pieces: "I hate your eight generations of ancestors, you are a dog, you are great if you have some power in your hands. Huimin, you bastard."

    Hearing this, Wei Huimin thought that his uncle was scolding Gu Lin, and he was secretly happy, but after hearing it later, he realized that he was scolding him, and beads of sweat protruded from his forehead.

    "You can't cock your tail, you can't cock a few in the front, and you can't cock your tail in the back. Don't rely on my power to cause trouble. You know General Gu Changting. That's Gu Lin's grandfather. Gu Lin's name is Genzheng Miaohong. The Gu family has been in the army for three generations. Every name can scare you to death. What are you? How dare you challenge such a family? Gu Lin can marry whoever he wants! Are you impatient or what? In the future, you boy Be a man with your tail between your legs, and don't cause trouble for me."

    Wei Huimin only felt that a pot of dog's blood seemed to be splashed on his face, his back clothes were soaked with cold sweat, his head drooped, and he didn't dare to fart.

    He has been scolded for being stupid, confused, he has been scolded and split.

    He feels like a grandson now.

    Who is his uncle? A prominent figure in the movement, the person most valued by the leaders of the city, even mentioning the Gu family is full of fear.

    Of course General Gu Changting knew that he was a man who had made countless military exploits and had a great reputation. If he knew that Gu Lin was Gu Changting's grandson, he would not dare to provoke Lin Qiao even if he had ten or eight guts.

    The impoverished Lin family was able to marry such a prominent family.

    Wei Huimin felt that he had been hurt twice. First, his uncle scolded him bloody. Second, he said that he couldn't fight a few times in front of him.

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