Chapter 1

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The girl was running for her life on the cold marble floor, she was barefoot but she run faster than having any slippers on. It was the day that was supposed to be the happiest of her life, they were celebrating her birthday and in a few weeks she was departing to start a new life in a different country. Far away from all the dramas and annoying family members at home, the toxicity was the one she wanted to end. She did not anticipate that it was also the day that she was running for her life, what she saw and experienced a few minutes ago was something a young girl like her should not have to deal with but unfortunately for her it happened. She had escaped and was almost at the balcony doors when suddenly strong hands grasped her shoulder and pulled her right back in the shadows.

Soraya woke up in cold sweats her breath came in small gasps, she could not believe that she was still having this nightmare of this girl running in a house that she have no idea who or where. The nightmares started when she came back from the month long camping volunteer job she signed up with after her first year in college. Deciding not to go back to sleep anymore she went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. It was almost six in the morning when she finished cooking, the coffee pot was ready for her mother when she will come down from her room, Soraya was already eating when she came to the kitchen.

"Awww Honey, you cooked." Susan said smillig at his daughter while getting herself a cup of coffee. "I'm surprised that you wake up early, I thought you were tired from your trip."

"I had that nightmare again mom, the one I told you about the other day, so I just avoided sleep and made breakfast." She said feeling tired but at the same time was energized by the food.

"That might be some unreleased stress that you are experiencing but as I am not an expert." Her mother said at the same time sipping her coffee while checking her emails. "Try giving it a few days and let's see what we can do from there. By the way, I got an email from your father requesting to talk, really when you get older people tend to get formal."

"Really, what do you think he wants now?" Soraya asked. Her mother and father were divorced a long time ago, before she was even born and unfortunately she inherited her features from her father except for her eyes which was as green as the grass on any lawn in a field. Anyone who does not know both mother and daughter personally would not know that they were related, while Susan is white skinned, has dark blonde hair, and green eyes; Soraya have olive skin, dark brown hair and green eyes, they could not be more different as night and day.

"I do wonder, it's the third request already and I did not respond yet because you were not here and I am very busy with my clients. But no worries, I'll talk to him later at my lunch break." She said while finishing her coffee and toast now. "I better go now, we have staff meeting at eight sharp and you know traffic is very horrible here in LA."

"That's something I did not miss you know, talk to you later I'll be doing my laundry and try to rest the whole day." Soraya said as she waved off her mother out the door.

When she was doing her laundry, she could not help to think why her father was insisting on talking to her mother. It was really out of character but she knew he was a good man. She thinks that if it was not because of their cultural differences, they would still be together right now. She did have an older brother though from her dad's first marriage to a cousin but from what she knew was the lady died during childbirth. She did not really want to think about her father's side of the family as much, she'll just have to ask her mom later, as she can already feel exhaustion overtaking her; she sat on the sofa and did not realize she was already asleep.

Soraya woke up from deep slumber to her mobile phone ringing, she checked who's calling and found he mom's name on the screen so she answered it.

"Yes mom, sorry I was sleeping." She said in a groggy voice.

"Darling just get back to sleep, I can hear your tiredness from here. Anyway I talked with your father and we need to talk later so let's eat out for dinner okay." Susan said from the other line.

"Okay Mom, just send me the location of the place, must have been serious what you and dad discussed to warrant a girl's night out." She jokingly said. "I'll just finish with my laundry then I'll get ready."

"Great so about seven at Bestia, I'm sending you the location now and honey try to get some more sleep." Susan said and hung up on her.

Soraya got up from the sofa to organize her laundry, it was dry now as she had been sleeping for quite some time and it's almost three in the afternoon then decided to eat some cereal to get some energy before dinner. Her phone pinged and she checked to see it was the location of the restaurant, upon seeing that the location was near downtown LA she decided to get ready earlier to avoid traffic in the area and to go grab some drinks before meeting up with her mother. When she arrived at Bestia, Susan was already there sipping wine while doing something from her tablet.

"Oh hi honey, I just got here around ten minutes ago, I just ordered wine and waited for you. Here's their menu just check what you want to eat." Susan said.

"You're very early mom; you do not have any clients today?" She said as she sat opposite her.

"I only had two clients today and the last one finished like two hours early so I finalized everything and went straight here." She said.

"Oh they specialized in Middle Eastern cuisine here and I can see they have all your favorite dishes." Soraya said while checking out the menu. She placed her order with the waiter already waiting by their table.

"That's why this is the restaurant I selected for dinner and I want you to be reminded of you other heritage." Susan said in a low voice as she finished giving her order as well.

"I have a feeling this is related to what dad wants right?" She asked.

"Yes but I told him that if only you agreed to this then I will allow it to happen." Susan said.

"Tell me mom, what does dad wants us to do?" She asked.

"He requests that you spend the last month of your summer with him and the family in Dubai." She said in a constricted voice.

"Really? That's a first." Soraya said in a surprised voice.

"I told him that I will tell you and you would think about it." Her mother said. "I was shocked at his request, the only time he saw you in person were when you were born, I remember my father told me he went with him in the hospital nursery and the rest they say were video call history."

"Mom if you don't want me to go then I won't go." Soraya said.

"I don't want to be bitter regarding this and also I want you to embrace the half of your heritage. He also has a right as your father, I am just thankful that he did not take you away from me." Susan said.

"What do you mean?" She asked in a curious voice.

"Let's just say that your father has become a very powerful man and I do not want to cross him even in the courtroom." Susan said.

"Anyway I still have the last say about this, I will think about it and we'll just inform him. Does he know I just came back in LA?" She asked.

"Your father knows everything about us darling, and he told me he wants your answer after one week." Susan said.

"What he's giving ultimatums now?" She said while shaking her head in disbelief.

ZORAYA MALCOM MYSTERY: I DIED IN THE DESERTWhere stories live. Discover now