Chapter 7

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Soraya work up the next day to complete darkness, she tried sitting up but was met with some kind of a wall that prevented her from sitting up. Panic set in when she stretched out her hand and was met with all wall on her sides. She did not understand what was happening, she was supposed to be in a bed that rivals heaven and was sleeping, but what was this? Did someone put her in a coffin while she was asleep? She tried concentrating to determine her whereabouts but all she could hear was the dripping of water. She tried banging her fists on the wall but that just ended up with some kind of dust or maybe sand falling in her face, she thought. She suddenly broke out in cold seat when she realized whe re she could possibly be, no it cannot be she thought, and being buried alive is one of her worst nightmares. So she resumed her banging while shouting for help regardless of the debris falling at her face and then suddenly she felt that she was now shaking uncontrollably like there was an earthquake.

"Madam Soraya wake up! You are having a nightmare!" Jennifer is shouting while shaking her from her shoulder.

Soraya was now awake in covered in cold sweat, kind of groggy but shocked. She signed in relief, realizing that it was all just a bad dream or a nightmare as Jennifer said. "Thank you for waking me up, I thought for a minute there that I was being buried live, and please stop calling me madam okay" She said.

"Understood, but what do you want me to call you then?" She answered back. "There were noises in the room so I just came right away; I thought something bad happened to you."

"You can just call me by my given name that would be fine." Soraya said. "Actually, I have been having nightmares prior to me coming here, it was the same for weeks, but today it was different."

"You can tell me about it at breakfast, come on before they remove the food that is hwy I came to fetch you as it wuld be abusy day today for us both." She said.

She stood up to change and wash her face first, it was this time that she heard her stomach rumbling due to hunger. Jennifer is right, it would be very painful if we miss breakfast. After she finished refreshing herself both of them hurried down to the dining area where she had her dinner yesterday. The food was still there and they hurriedly filled their plates. Soraya got some coffee, she inhaled it first before taking a sip which immediately jolted her awake.

"Wow! That coffee is very potent and it will definitey give you that energy boost that can last all day." Jennifer said in between bites.

"What's our itinerary for today like?" She as while still sipping her coffee.

"Well, we will be going to Dubai Mall for some shopping for you after breakfast, then in the afternoon you have a meeting to with the person in charge of the cold case, his name is Officer Dawood." She answered.

"Where is this meeting taking place?" Soraya Asked. "I am kin of curious what kind of officer takes cases like this."

"Might be someone who is already old I believe and you'll meet him here before five." Jennifer said almost finished with her food. "I will bring our car out in the front, say we go after thirty minutes?"

"That's okay, I'll just go get changes into something appropriate for going out here." She answered while smiling. She stood up and went back to her room to take a quick shower and change which took less than thirty minutes she was already there waiting for her on the driver seat, she hopped on the passenger side of the car and buckled her seatbelt.

"Are you sure you want to sit there? You can sit at the back you know, I won't be offended." She said.

"Nah, I'm good here." Soraya answered not budging an inch.

"Okay let's go to Dubai Mall." She said and then proceeded to drive out the gate and into the street.

It took them just ten minutes to arrive at Dubai Mall, Soraya was amazed at how elegant and very grand the mall was. From what little she had heard about it she was ready to be impressed when they started to go inside. She told Jennifer that she wanted to go check out the indoor aquarium, so they went there first; she had requested that they go inside to get the full experience. She really enjoyed the experience especially the close encounter with the marine animals of the aquarium. After that, both of them got hungry and decided to have some lunch first before deciding what to do next. They ate at a sushi restaurant with an unlimited sushi on a conveyor belt which was very fun that she enjoyed it. As they were eating she could not help but look at the walking people, there were many that day as the mall was very touristy. She could not help but look in concentration at two people walking, she could not believe her eyes, it was the same people she saw back at in the US. How did they be here as well? She was still looking at them, but when she turned to answer a question of a server regarding her drink, they have already disappeared. After lunch, Jennifer asked her if where she wants to go shopping for anything, so she asked where the department store of the mall is. But she just laughed at her and told her where she should shop and that they need to do some dent on the allowance that her father had given or Jennifer would get into trouble, so Soraya promised to buy something in the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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ZORAYA MALCOM MYSTERY: I DIED IN THE DESERTWhere stories live. Discover now