Chapter 6

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              After having their repast, Soraya followed her father back to the room where her aunt's portrait was hanged. She looked at it again and could not help but feel a shiver run down her spine, it was like looking at the mirror and seeing her own reflection but in a different perspective.

"As you know, that it is common knowledge that you and Ameera do really look alike; it was not noticeable when you were young but when you have grown I was really shocked when your mother sent pictures of you." Her Father said.

"Mom also told me about it, but to what extent she did not." She answered. "Would it be possible for you to tell me your version of the events that had happened that day?"

"I was so young back then but what happened seems like it was just yesterday. As you know Ameera was my older sister and she just graduated from high school at that time. I remember there was a party to celebrate her graduation; everyone was there, family, friends and the staff. It was a happy day for everybody. Then tragedy struck at around eleven in the evening, our father went looking for her to give her his last gift and to make a speech, but they could not find her even in her room she was not there. In the morning when the Police came, they interviewed everyone and they found some blood droplets under the balcony of her room and a torn piece of the shawl she used that day." He narrated. " According to the investigators, the droplets of blood was from Ameera and they estimated that it was there around two hours already, so whatever happened or whoever was the perpetrator the crime was done before anyone thought she was missing."

"So no one really saw or heard anything correct?" She said.

"Personally I do not believe that because there were so much people who came at that party. I believe is that they just did not realize what they heard or what they saw." That is why I am pushing to find out what really happened and this is my chance to do it." He said.

"I might talk to you again later, but right now I just want to sleep, is that okay?" She said as jet lag is already catching up with her.

"I apologize, I forgot that you just arrived today." Her father said. 'I will have someone fetch you to escort you to your room, just wait here in a few minutes."

"Sure no problem, also if it is okay for me to check out Aunt Ameera's room tomorrow?" She said.

"That would be fine, you can ask Jennifer to escort you her room, anyway she will be your companion for your whole stay here, you can rely on her for anything that you need." Her father said as he stood up and walk to the doorway. "Still be very careful and always stay safe my dear, okay?"

"Thank you for that advice." Soraya said, her forehead crinkling as her father's last statement seems ominous. Still thinking about their conversation, when Jennifer suddenly arrived to escort her to the room that she will be staying for the duration of her vacation.

"Hey Sis!" Jennifer said, motioning for her to stand up.

"Sis?" Soraya asked, kind of lost.

"Sister I mean, let's go and go to your room so you can rest." She said while laughing.

"Sorry I know what sis means, must be the jet lag." She answered as she stood up to walk to the door.

"You will be staying at the new wing of the villa, it was just completed a month ago so it will be very new and I hope you will like it. That area also has its own swimming pool so you can swim anytime. I am some kind of a butler, your butler to be exact so if you need anything even money I can help you with that as instructed by your father." Jennifer said.

"Thank you very much; I'll keep that in mind." She said while shaking her head to the absurd statement. She was not yet used to her father's opulence and she feels that she will never get used to it.

Both of the girls have been walking in a very long hallway to the left of the study, and then it opened into a big airy stairway that leads to the second floor of that part of the house. Soraya can see four doorways a few steps from the stairs where Jennifer directed her to the one farthest to the right. When she opened the big door, Soraya could not help but gasp at how her bedroom looked which was as big as her room and their living room combined back in L.A. Her mouth have been hanging for a few minutes now, so Jennifer cleared her throat and said.

"Yes, I know what you are thinking but usually this is just a standard bedroom in a villa here. You have a walk-in closet where your clothes has already been arranged and hanged. On your left the bathroom with a separate bathtub and by the balcony there is a private stairs leading down to the pool. This area is mostly for the VIP guests of your father so no one is here right now. Do please rest because tomorrow we have a full schedule which I will send you through Whatsapp." Jennifer said. "You can message me anytime, enjoy and have a good night."

"Uhm Jennifer, Thank you I would feel very lost if not for you and yes I will definitely rest. I am so tired and the food made me sleepy." Soraya said while removing her jacket and shoes.

"No worries Madam, you are very welcome. See you tomorrow." Jennifer said as she walked out the door and closing it.

Soraya made a mental note to speak with Jennifer of her calling her madam, which she is not comfortable with, but at the same time she felt that it was because of being respectful. After she had a half bath, she laid on the bed and would have opted to speak with her mom through video call but as her head hit the softest pillows she had in her life, she immediately fell asleep.

ZORAYA MALCOM MYSTERY: I DIED IN THE DESERTWhere stories live. Discover now