Act 3 - Chapter 39: Samza

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Today, we make noise. Hells yeah, we will! And to get started, my bro and I hop in my Challenger and follow Skylar's Civic Type R to Black Rock City's Playa, which is the major gathering area at the north-east end of 12:00 Road.

We arrive at a crowd of technicians preparing a wall of speakers a short distance away from the giant unlit Burning Man effigy. They hook it a power distributor module, a metal box with one thick cord attached to a metal platform composed of long metal rollers. On the other side of the distributor is a multitude of thinner cords attached to the tall speaker-wall. It looks like they repurposed a dyno machine. Its original purpose is measuring the horsepower of a vehicle. Near us is also a local rock band, who'll also help us.

Skylar instructs over the walkie-talkie, "Go park your car on the platform and we'll get started."

I park the car, positioning the wheels on the rollers of the platform and strap it down in case the car tries to blast off. If this works like a dyno machine, then whenever I step on the gas, the wheels will rotate the rollers and generate power. The machine then reads the power level and displays that value in kilowatts or horsepower. However, it looks like this machine transfers that power to the huge speaker wall directed towards the Aether Dome, the facility about 26 and a half kilometers north-east from The Playa.

If my math is right, then this car's 800 factory-built horses should come to 596.56 kilowatts. To put things in perspective, my aftermarket sub is only three kilowatts. This contraption is almost 200 times more powerful. And with the mini-Prius motors, Rowynn installed on the front wheels, upping the total horses around 1300 — mo' power baby! I'm still iffy about these electric Prius motors though from a purist's standpoint, but it is what it is.

Mezos steps out and looks towards the empty sands with a set of binoculars. "Looks like a crowd of aether beasts roaming around and lumbering their way here."

A crowd forms, gazing ahead with Mezos, wondering about the fate of the Burning Man Festival.

"Very well," Skylar says. "Samza, rev up that engine."

I step on the gas, getting the engine ready for some work.

A Reveler places two oversized fans at the front of the car, cooling the engine.

Skylar monitors the meters. "The crew will check the power level. Once we reach an acceptable level, the local band will unleash hell. Of course, safety first, so I recommend some hearing protection, in case this gets too extreme."

I put on a cushioned racing helmet, drooping my rabbit ears down, and I hit the gas some more. The engine revs hard and the supercharger squeals like an angry boar out to kill the local butcher for turning his friends into bacon.

"Yes," Skylar cheers over the radio. "It's working. More power, Samza. Floor that pedal!"

I slam my foot on to the gas and. As I expect, the transmission shifts to high gear and the tachometer floats around the red line. However, the engine's temperature is creeping up. That and I haven't turned on the Prius motors yet. I ease off the pedal and the engine dies down.

Skylar yells, "Samza, what's wrong?"

I answer on the radio, "The engine is getting too hot. I need another fan."

Skylar motions a Reveler and, a minute later, they return with an industrial sized fan blasting at max power.

Once the engine cools, I try again. This time, the temperature remains steady, the transmission at high gear, and revs creeping redline.

Skylar raises a hand, motioning to stop. "Looks we need a bit more power. I notice the front wheels aren't moving. Are the electric motors working?"

"I have them off," I answer. "Want me to turn them on?"

"Yes please," Skylar urges.

I flip a couple switches and a robotic voice announces, "Hybrid All-Wheel-Drive Mode Activated." That's right! Prius Mode up in this bitch. The electric motors hum, preparing for that instant burst of torque.

Mezos yells, "Hurry, Sam! We have monsters marching their way to the city."

"Well, shit," I mutter. Here's for all the marbles. I slam my foot on to the accelerator, giving it all the beans, and pray to The Stars my car doesn't blow up. The engine growls while the supercharger squeals like an angry demonic warthog. I'm sure the electric motors are also humming along, but I can't hear them over the sound of 800 horsepower of pure Dodge muscle.

"Yes!" Skylar cheers. "Now this is power. We're almost at peak, Samza. Keep it at it."

I peek at the engine temperature. It's creeping up again, but it's not as bad as last time. Battery temperature is also rising.

Mezos screams, "Hurry, Samza!"

Skylar turns her head towards the band at the Playa's stage and gives an OK hand signal.

Then a trembling strum reverberates, something lower than an E2 on a six-string. It feels like an earthquake. Then two more quick strums, higher pitched at B3 and E4.

"Samza," Skylar yells. "Stop the car!"

I hit the brakes. The engine and motors whittle down and the temperature stabilizes. "Status report," I request over the radio.

Mezos answers, "the monsters look confused. Some appear to be attacking each other. The flying ones crashed either on to the sand dunes or to another monster."

Skylar breaths. "Good to know that worked. Now on to the next stage of our attack." The Revelers' commander rushes to her Type R. "Let's reconvene with The Hoon Squad."

Mezos and I unstrap the Challenger and follow Skylar to the next staging point where The Hoon Squad prepares for vehicular combat.

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