Chapter Four

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It's been three weeks since I found Lucky. And everyday around six in the noon I went to visit her and Adam, also Grandma Maddy. I knocked on the cottage door as the sun began the set. Smoke billowed from the chimney as the fire blazed on, warming the house through winter. I pulled my cloak tight around me as I waited for the door to open. I was about to knock again, but the door was thrown open.

"Hurry!" Grandma Maddie yelled as she ran into the kitchen.

I entered, closing the door behind me, and hurried to the kitchen. I noticed Adam leaning his head on the wall.

"I can't do it Grandma." He groaned.

"Boys." Grandma Maddie muttered. "Come Belle, help me."

I looked at Adam and smiled as I walked into the kitchen. Lucky was laying on her bed, she was not purring, she just laid there, her eyes closed. My eyes widened when I noticed her belly move and Grandma Maddie handed me a soft black cloth.

"Okay, Lucky, you can do this." Grandma said reassuringly to Lucky.

With a twisted a tummy, I looked at the two kittens that I gently held with the cloth. One kitten was a dark gray, the other was black with a gray spot over his eye. The dark gray kitten was a girl and the black one was a boy. I laid them both beside Lucky and walked out to get Adam.

"How is she? Are the kittens okay? How many kittens are there? Please tell me Lucky's okay." Adam began talking as I walked over to him.

"Calm down, everything's fine," I smiled, "She only had two kittens, maybe you should go see them."

He nodded his head and his shoulder brushed mine as he walked away. I feel sparks travel through my arm and my stomach turned upside down. Adam walked in to see Lucky and her new family and I sat in his chair. I looked at the books that were always laid out on the table. The writing was cursive and hard to read so I instead read the passages.

I looked to Juliet, her cheeks the color of roses.

I looked at another passage.

I ran into the dark forest. The people behind me were screaming my name as they chased me with their pitchforks and hound dogs.

"I'm thinking of naming the boy Shadow." Adam whispered into my ear.

I jumped, slamming my knee into the bottom of the table. Adam laughed at me as I rubbed my injured leg. I through my hand back, hitting him on the arm.

"That was mean!" I scolded.

"You were being noisy." He shot back as he closed the books.

"No, I was being curious." I corrected.

He smiled at me. He walked over to the piano that was set beside the fireplace. He lifted the panel, the white keys seeming to glow. He waved me over and I slowly made my way to him. I sat beside him on the bench and he lightly ran his fingers over the keys.

"I haven't played for a long time." He confessed. "But I want to show something I made up years back."

I watched as he pressed the keys down slowly. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before he continued. He slowly played a melody, but I noticed his hands shaking slightly so I pressed down on a random key. He looked at me and I laughed lightly.

"It needed some high notes." I watched as he chuckled at my joke.

I noticed his shoulders loosen and he didn't seem so tense anymore. His hands didn't shake as he began to play again. This time I heard the beautiful melody ring through the air. I watched as his eyes traveled across the keys along with his fingers. He slowly swayed as he began to play a little louder. His leg moved as he pressed down on a pedal attached to the piano. He began to finish and I decided the ending sounded too depressing.

I lifted my hands and began to play random keys again. Adam laughed, but he didn't stop playing his song. I slid my hand down to the low notes then hit them up high. I felt him scoot closer as we continued our silly song.

"Lalalala." I sang.

I stopped playing and laughed.

"Your eyes light up my world." Adam sang, his voice sounding angelic. "You beautiful face is covered by your hair."

I looked at him and when I lifted my hand to hit a random key, he grabbed it. he closed his fingers over mine. I felt the sparks light up my hand. My heart beated hard and quick, my breathing stopped, getting caught in my throat. My the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy and I felt my face flush. Could I possibly be in love?

Suddenly, the door blew open and I saw my mother standing right in the doorway. Her as her icy blue eyes stared at me, I'm in big trouble. I pulled my hand from Adams and got up as my mom walked out. I didn't even say goodbye as I followed after my mom.

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