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"Heads up! We're inbound." Rocket informed. They all watch as they head towards Knowhere which looks like a giant severed-head.
"Woh." Peter said amazed.
"What is it?" Drax asked looking at Mara. She shrugged her shoulders.
"It's called Knowhere. The severed head of an ancient celestial being. Be wary headed in, rodent. There are no regulations whatsoever here." The Milano enter Knowhere, Mining Colony. "Hundreds of years ago, the Tivan Group sent workers in to mine the organic matter within the skull. The bone, brain tissue, spinal fluid. All rare resources, highly valued in black markets across the galaxy. It's dangerous and illegal work, suitable only for outlaws."
The group walks around in the streets of Knowhere.
"Well, I come from a planet of outlaws. Billy the Kid, Bonnie and Clyde and John Stamos." Peter said looking at Gamora. Mara looked at him confused.
"Really you had to put John Stamos in that category?" Mara bumped Peter with her elbow.
"It sounds like a place which I would like to visit." Drax said.
"Yeah, you should."Peter said.

A bunch of kids surround them.
"Excuse me." One of the kids says.
"Watch your wallets." Peter said to everyone.
"Get out of here." Rocket yelled. Mara bent down.
"Can you spare any units?" The kid asked. Peter watched as Mara tapped her wrist and gave some units to the boy. The boy ran off happily. Mara watched as the boy bought a drink for his little sister. Peter stared at her. She smiled. A girl walks up to Groot, he grows a flower in his hand, plucks it and gives it to her before walking off.

As they walk towards a bar. Peter spoke up.
"Your buyer's in there?" He asked.
"We are to wait here for his representative." Gamora answered.

While they wait for their appointment, Drax, Rocket and Groot get drunk and gamble.
"My Orloni has won, as I win at all things! Now, let's put more of this liquid into our bodies." Drax smiled. Mara laughed watching her friends have a good time.
"That's the first thing you said that wasn't bat-shit crazy!" Rocket laughed . At the same time Peter and Gamora are on the balcony of the bar.
"Man, you wouldn't believe what they charge for fuel out here. I might actually lose money on this job." Peter laughter looking at the stars.
"My connection is making us wait."Gamora groaned.
"It's just a negotiation tactic. Trust me, this is my specialty. Where yours is more, "Stab, stab. Those are my terms." Gamora smiles at Peter.
"My father didn't stress diplomacy." Gamora looked back to the stars.
"Thanos?" Peter asked.
"He's not my father. When Thanos took my home world, he killed my parents in front of me. He tortured me, turned me into a weapon. When he said he was going to destroy an entire planet for Ronan, I...I couldn't stand by and.."She notices Peter's Walkman on his belt and takes it. "Why would you risk your life for this?" She asked.
"My mother gave it to me. My mom liked to share with me all the pop songs that she loved growing up. I happened to have it on me when I was...the day that she... You know, when I left Earth." Peter takes the Walkman from Gamora and puts it back on his belt. Peter puts the Walkman headphones onto Gamora's head so she can listen to the music.

At the same time Mara walked out to talk to Peter. She saw Peter leaning into kiss Gamora. She sighed and walked back to the bar to drink.

"The melody is pleasant!" Gamora said loudly. Gamora listens to the music Peter's leans in to kiss her when suddenly Gamora puts a knife to his throat. "No!" She yelled.
" Ow! What the hell?" Peter said.
"I know who you are, Peter Quill! And I am not some starry-eyed waif here to succumb to your...your pelvic sorcery!" She yelled.
"That is not what is happening here. He said as Gamora lets go of his throat Peter notices Drax, Rocket and Groot are all fighting inside the bar. "Oh, no." Peter and Gamora enter the bar to stop the fight between Drax, Rocket and Groot, Gamora drags Drax off of Groot. Mara held on to Rocket.
"Stop it!" Gamora yelled. Rocket points his weapon at Drax as he's about to shoot Peter intervenes.
"Woh! Woh! What are you doing?" Peter asked
"This vermin speaks of affairs he knows nothing about!" Drax said.
"That is true!" Rocket spoke.
"The vermin has no respect!"Drax yelled.
"That is also true!" Rocket said.
"Stop calling him that!" Mara yelled at going after Drax. Peter grabbedMara by the waist.
"Hold on! Hold on!" Peter yelled.
"Keep calling me vermin, tough guy! You just wanna laugh at me like everyone else!"Rocket said.
"Rocket, you're drunk. Alright? No one's laughing at you." Peter said.
"He thinks I'm some stupid thing! He does! Well, I didn't ask to get made! I didn't ask to be torn apart, and put back together, over and over and turned into some...some little monster!" Rocket teared up. Mara pushed Peter's hands away and kneeled to Rocket.
"Rocket, no one's calling you a monster." Mara whispered.
"He called me vermin! She called me rodent." Rocket told Mara as he pointed to Drax and Gamora. "Let's see if you can laugh after five or six good shots to your frickin' face! Rocket said as he points his weapon at Drax again Peter stands in front of him. Mara pushed the gun down.
"No, no, no, no! Four billion units! Rocket! Come on, man. Hey! Suck it up for one more lousy night and you're rich." Peter said. Rocket hesitates for a moment then lowers his weapon.
"Fine. But I can't promise when all this is over I'm not gonna kill every last one of you jerks." Rocket threatens.
" See? That's exactly why none of you have any friends! Five seconds after you meet somebody, you're already trying to kill them!" Peter yelled at the group.
"We have traveled halfway across the quadrant, and Ronan is no closer to being dead."Drax turns and leaves in anger.
"Drax!" Peter was about to walk after him. Mara grabbed his hand.
"Let him go, Quill."Just then the Collector's assistant, Carina, enters the bar.
"Milady Gamora, I'm here to fetch you for my master." Carina escorts them to the Collector's home.
"Okay, this isn't creepy at all." Rocket said.
"We house the galaxy's largest collection of fauna, relics, and species of all manner." Carina said as she takes them to the Collectors massive room of collections where he's waiting for them. "I present to you, Taneleer Tivan, the Collector." Gamora and the Collector walk towards each other.
"Oh, my dear Gamora. How wonderful to meet in the flesh."He kisses her hand.
"Let's bypass the formalities, Tivan. We have what we discussed." Gamora said as the Collector notices Groot.
"What is that thing there?" The collector asked.
"I am Groot." Groot spoke. The Collector goes over to Groot.
"I never thought I'd meet a Groot. Sir, you must allow me to pay you now so that I may own your carcass. At the moment of your death, of course." The collector said.
"I am Groot." Groot smiled. Mara looked shocked.
"No. Groot absolutely not." Mara said.
"Why, so he could turn you into a frickin' chair?" Rocket asked Groot.
"That's your pet?" The collector asked Groot about Rocket.
"His what?!"!Rocket and Mara said. Rocket goes to grab his weapon and the Collector chuckles, Gamora intervenes. Peter held Mara back by holding her hand.
" Tivan, we have been halfway around the galaxy, retrieving this orb." Gamora said.
"Very well, then. Let us see what you brought." Gamora looks at Peter, he retrieves the orb from his bag but accidentally drops it, he quickly picks it up to show the Collector. Peter looked at Mara with a 'stop laughing look as she chuckled.

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