Chapter One

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"You're late." The young woman moved out of the way to allow the dark-haired man to enter her apartment. She closed the door behind him before returning to her seat at the kitchen table where she had prepared tea.

"I know I am, sorry Addie. I got caught up in a case and didn't realize how late it had gotten." She poured tea for the both of them while he spoke. When he finished, she looked at him skeptically while drinking her tea.

"It's alright. I suppose the legendary Sherlock Holmes might have to miss afternoon tea as his fame increases."

"I will always make time for tea, even if I'm occasionally late." The blonde woman hummed in agreement, taking another sip of tea.

"How are the cases going?"

"The ones in London, fine. However I have to return home, my mother has disappeared." She furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't understand it either. She left my little sister there. It's going to be strange to see her again. Last time I saw her she was barely five."

"I'm sure your mother had a reason, even if you don't understand it yet. She has always been a brilliant woman. We'll see shortly if she can hide from the best detective in all of London. I wouldn't be too worried about Enola. Everything will work itself out in due time."

"Oh, I completely forgot," Sherlock reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a letter. "I had to pick up mail and I grabbed a letter that was delivered for you as well." He handed it to her as she looked at the handwriting skeptically. "I'm surprised people haven't started talking about us having tea together without a chaperone." She turned over the letter and began carefully opening it, only half listening to the detective across the table from her.

"I haven't had a chaperone since I was young and I've made it thus far." She paused for a moment, pulling the letter out of the envelope. "My guess is no one knows, we are the only people in this part of the building. Otherwise it would be on the front page of every newspaper." She carefully unfolds the letter to read her mother's perfect cursive.

My daughter Adelaide,

Your father has fallen ill and requests your presence at once. All of your siblings are already here. We fear he does not have that much time with us left so I recommend that you hurry if you wish to see him. Please return to the Evans residence with haste, but safely.



She immediately stood up, leaving the letter on the table going into her room to grab her trunk. She pulled it from her bedroom into the open area of the apartment and began throwings things into it. Sherlock takes the letter reading it, knowing if she didn't want him reading it she would have put it back in the envelope.

"Do you think your father is actually ill or they just want you to drop everything like last time?" He asked once he finished reading, watching Adelaide pack her things with surprising speed.

"I'm not sure, but if I don't get there by this evening, my family will never let me live it down regardless."

"You already go back every holiday, what more do they want?" She paused for a moment, giving him a look implying he wasn't thinking.

"I'm a woman, they want me to remain home until I'm married. You seem to forget societal expectations are different for famous male detectives and unmarried women." He let out a sigh. He forgot about this a lot of times. When she's away from her family, she's able to live her life within the expectations of society, but when she's with her family, she's forced to be exactly like them. "Despite being a famous male detective, it wouldn't hurt for you to return home every once in a while."

"I've been busy."

"And yet you somehow have time to attend tea with your downstairs neighbor everyday." He shook his head at her comment.

"I was planning on taking the train back tomorrow morning, I can accompany you tonight instead."

"So I can have the young women of London hate me, assuming I'm courting the famous Sherlock Holmes? That's alright, thanks." She slams her truck closed before grabbing her hat and gloves. She looks in the mirror as she places her hat on her head so it looks just right, but holds her gloves in her hand. "And you know Mycroft would be furious at you for leaving him here so you could travel with a young woman without a chaperone. And don't even get me started on my family. Well, I'm sure my father would recover from his illness at record speed to kill me."

"That is true. Can I at least accompany you to the train station?"

"While I appreciate the offer, I don't wish to become front page news." He hums in agreement, grabbing her trunk and carrying it outside for her, and putting it in the carriage that would take her to the train station. He quickly paid the man before she could, making her pout. "I am perfectly capable of-"

"I know you are perfectly capable of affording your own carriage. I didn't do so because I thought you couldn't." She sighed.

"Well Sherlock Holmes, I assume I will see you back in our hometown shortly." She reached out a hand to shake his, but he grabs it instead and presses a gentle kiss to the back of it. She rolled her eyes, but a small smile was stretched across her face. He helped her into the carriage, and she sat down, putting her gloves on.

"You do realize you don't have to say my full name when you refer to me when you're speaking with me, right?"

"I do indeed. I simply like mocking you." He let out a laugh.

"Get home safe."

"You as well." He closed the door to the carriage, and just like that, she was gone. He let out a sigh, going back inside. He often forgot that she came from a wealthy family. Most of the time, she acted so free. It was strange to see her going back to the place she saw as a prison.

Adelaide at last got to her stop on the train and dragged her trunk off with some difficulty. She got a carriage to take her back home, but her mind wouldn't stop racing. She didn't know what she was about to walk into. Her family could have lured her home and all is well or her father could actually be ill. They weren't very close, but she still wished her father all the health in the world. It soothed her to know Sherlock would be back in the neighborhood soon. He was one of her closest friends and just being around him made her feel better.

"Miss Adelaide, I trust your journey was alright?" The housekeeper, Mrs. Green asked, helping her with her trunk.

"Yes, thank you."

"Adelaide, it's good to see you again."

"Caroline, it's good to see you as well. It's been some time." They shared a quick hug. "Where's my nephew?"

"William is at home with John. We thought it would be too much stress on our father to have everyone, their spouses, and children." Adelaide nodded.

"So he's rather ill?"

"Unfortunately so. The doctor will return in a few days to check his progress. How are you? You look incredibly thin." Her sister's comment made her smile slightly. If it was their mother saying it, her voice would be full of pride. Caroline's however was laced with concern.

"I'm quite well, I've just been rather busy."

"You have to remember to take care of yourself."

"I'll try."

"Let's get you to bed, I'm sure you're exhausted." Her older sister walked her up to her room. It's been her room ever since they moved here sixteen years ago and it was strange to be back in it. "If you need anything, you know where I am."



"I've really missed you."

"And I you. Come here." Caroline wrapped her arms tightly around her younger sister. "You need to catch me up on London in the morning, alright?" After Caroline left, Adelaide got into bed thinking that being back home maybe wasn't the worst thing in the world.


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