Chapter Four

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Adelaide stood at the Holmes' front door, trying to remember everything her sister told her. There were still lights on inside so she knew someone was awake, she just had no idea who it was. She knocked quietly but could hear someone walking over to answer the door. She stared down at her suitcase, realizing instantly Mycroft wouldn't believe she was here just to see Enola if it was him answering the door. She took a deep breath, realizing it was too late to hide it. She was so deep in thought, hoping Mycroft wouldn't ruin her plan that she didn't realize the door had opened.

"Am I allowed to be the detective I am and guess what's going on or will you yell at me for doing so?" The blonde let out a sigh, realizing it was none other than her neighbor in London.

"Don't bother, it's all explained in here." She handed him the letter with his name on it. He looked at it for a moment then decided not to question it, slipping the letter into his jacket pocket. "Just make sure Mycroft doesn't find it." She studied the man before her for a moment, noticing how tired he looked. He looked more stressed than she'd seen him in a while. "I'm guessing instead of sleeping you spent your evening pacing for hours, trying to figure the world out?"

"You know me well."

"No. I'm just used to having the apartment below you. I fall asleep every night in London to the sound of your pacing and can't imagine you stopping that habit of yours now." She took a deep breath and pulled out her pocket watch. "I have to leave. Until we meet again." She turned and walked off the porch.

"Adelaide, it's late. Spend the night here and go wherever you're off to in the morning."

"You know Mycroft would kill us for even talking at this late hour. I can't even imagine what he would do knowing I stayed here." She let out a sigh, remembering her situation was much more serious than that. "Anyway, I must return to London immediately. I need to leave before I get engaged."

"What did you find out?"

"It doesn't matter anymore."

"If I'm going to figure out a way to help you out of this situation, I need all of the information." She let out a sigh and began picking at her nails.

"My father practically sold me to a stranger. I refuse to be treated like livestock so I will be fleeing before they can tie me down with a proper engagement."

"Let me get this straight. Your father is allowing a stranger to propose to you," She nodded her head. "All so it would help him financially?" She nodded again. "And you don't want to play any role in their game?" She nodded one more time, becoming irritated, wondering where he was going with it. "That's all the information I need to know. Honestly, I didn't even need that much, I'd help you regardless, I just like to know what is happening." Rolling her eyes, she began walking away.

"You know where I'll be." Her walking didn't stop as she spoke, walking further away from the detective. The latter stood in the doorway, watching her fade into the dark night, trying to make sense of the thoughts in his mind. She stopped when she remembered Enola would be shipped off to finishing school in the morning. "Can I come in to say goodbye to Enola?" She began walking back to the door, anticipating the response.

"Of course, please come in." She at last walked into the light, Sherlock wincing as she did. "What happened?" He asked quietly. She turned her head slightly so he wouldn't be able to see the bruise forming on her cheek anymore.

"It's nothing." A small gasp left her lips when Sherlock gently grabbed her chin and moved it so he could see the mark on her cheek. With his hand still on her chin, he brushed his thumb over the purple mark gently.

"It is something, Adelaide. Please just tell me so I don't have to guess."

"I got in a fight with my parents and I struck a nerve with my mother. She only meant to slap me, but forgot she still had her book in her hand." She ignored the concern on her friend's face and turned away from him, her chin feeling cold where his hand was just a second before. "It doesn't matter. I need to speak to Enola." He nodded and she started up the stairs leaving the suitcase by the front door. She quietly opened Enola's door and walked in, not wanting to wake Mycroft down the hall by knocking. She sat down next to Enola on the bed and gently shook her shoulder. The girl opened her eyes immediately, widening them once she realized it was Adelaide waking her. She shot up and wrapped her arms around the blonde. "Hey, Enola. I'm very sorry, but I must return home for a little while."

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