Chapter Two

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"Good morning, Miss Adelaide. I have a letter for you from a young girl, she said it was urgent." The housekeeper, Mrs. Green placed the letter on the blonde's bedside table. She sat up and looked at it, instantly recognizing the handwriting.

"Could you run me a bath please? I think I'm going to head over to Ferndell Hall shortly." She nodded and did so quickly. Adelaide quickly tore open the letter, eager to read what Enola wrote.

Dearest Adelaide,

I hear that you have returned home. I'm off to retrieve my brothers from the train station now and should be back by this afternoon. Could you please come to Ferndell Hall? I know it's only been a few months, but with Mother's disappearance, I need to see you. I'm also nervous about seeing my brothers again after so long and I feel like your presence will help.

With love,

Enola Holmes

After reading the letter, Adelaide immediately began getting ready. After bathing, Mrs. Green returned to help with her hair and corset. She had forgotten how loose she usually kept it until the feeling of her lungs not being able to inflate as much as usual hit her. Once she was at last ready, she went to her father who was still in bed. She had to admit he looked more ill than she'd ever seen him.

"How are you feeling, Father?"

"I feel disappointed you haven't found a man to marry yet. You're off in London working in a dress shop when you should be having children and raising them." She remained silent once he finished speaking, unsure of what to say. "At least tell me if you're well."

"I-I am, Father. I've been enjoying London, it truly is lovely there."

"At least there's something good coming out of your stay there." She smiled slightly at this. "Now let me rest so I can recover soon." She nodded and left the room, headed toward the dining room. She could hear polite chatter, but the second she entered the room it ceased.

"Miss Adelaide, please sit, I will run and get you your breakfast."

"Thank you Mrs. Green." She sat down in an open chair before looking at the faces of her family members. "I trust you all are well?" Her older brother opened his mouth to answer, but their mother cut him off.

"Have you found a man to marry in London yet?"

"No, Mother, I have not."

"Why not? You are already twenty-four. Your siblings got married younger than you are now."

"Oliver isn't yet married." She spoke calmly, taking a bite of her breakfast once it was placed in front of her.

"Oliver is younger than you and doesn't need to be married yet Adelaide! He is a man and won't be judged as you will be for being suitorless!" She remained silent and ate her breakfast. A thick tension hung in the air while none of the family could look at each other. Once Adelaide finished eating her breakfast as fast as she could, she stood up from the table.

"Please excuse me. If you need me, I will be practicing the pianoforte." Without awaiting a response, she slipped into the other room and sat down at the instrument. It had been a few months since she played last, the most recent time was when she last returned home. She gently placed her fingertips on the keys and began playing slowly. After a few moments, she was able to play at normal speed. She continued playing with her eyes closed, thinking about all that just happened. She decided if she heard the word 'marriage' again that day she would lose it.

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