Chapter Nine

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"What's wrong?" He asked, quickly returning to her and pulling the blankets up to her chest.

"I'm sorry for overreacting. I know you didn't mean what you said to me."

"This isn't your fault at all, Addie." Sherlock sat down on the counter beside her and carefully ran a hand through her hair. "Not even a bit. I should have supported you, but instead, I hurt you. I know I don't deserve it, but please try to think about forgiving me. I've missed you."

"Of course I forgive you. Honestly, even if I didn't, I would still need you in my life. It wasn't even a day without you, but I felt lost. I even made baked goods and almost brought them up here. I then got promoted-" Adelaide cleared her throat, almost giving away that she has been working at a detective's office. "I got promoted at the dress shop, and the first thing I wanted to do was tell you."

"You got promoted?"

"Yes, I did!"

"Addie, that's great news! I'm so proud of you." He grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. She smiled and then let out a small yawn. "I'm sure you're exhausted. Let's get you to bed." Her teeth still chattered, but it was much less than earlier. He carefully picked her up off of the counter, intentionally ignoring the blood left in her place, and brought her over to his bedroom. He placed her in the bed and pulled the covers up around her. She was still shivering so he grabbed a few more blankets. He gently kissed her head and started towards the living room.

"Please don't go." He had never heard her voice so quiet before. So scared. He nodded and sat on the edge of the bed beside her. "I almost died today..." He hummed in agreement, a million thoughts rushing through his mind. "And for a moment, just a moment, I was almost happy about it. It would mean that I would see my brother again. Instead, I'm stuck in life and he's stuck in death." Silent tears slid down her usually rosy, but now almost gray cheeks. "To think I could have known him. If I had the bravery to search for him. And if my parents didn't hide him." A small gasp escaped her mouth. "My parents hid him from me. He left letters and wanted to see me, but they told him I was dead." The few tears that had already fallen down her cheeks now danced with countless others. Despite her desperate attempts, it seemed that she couldn't get the air she needed. Small, frantic gasps filled the room. Sherlock placed his hand on the side of her face.

"Just breathe, Addie. I've got you." More tears left her eyes when he said this, but she instantly shot up and wrapped her arms around him, ignoring the pain from the sudden movement. He held her carefully, one hand on the uninjured side of her waist and one hand gently playing with her hair. She dug her face into his neck and cried. He didn't know someone else's tears would be able to cause him this much pain. He carefully picked her up and adjusted himself so his back was against the headboard of the bed, and Adelaide was in his arms. Once her breathing had calmed and he didn't feel any more fresh tears on his neck, Sherlock knew she had fallen asleep. At last, he let himself relax and also slipped into a slumber.

Adelaide's eyes shot open and she looked around the unfamiliar room, her pulse racing. After a few moments of panic, she noticed she was in Sherlock's room, and, more specifically, still in his arms. She let out a small sigh, trying to calm her breathing. She didn't know what she did to deserve his kindness. Even though they were only apart a day, she felt as if the world was crumbling around her. She had been away from him for years and they barely wrote when she was in finishing school and he had moved to London. Adelaide couldn't figure out what made this time so different. After a few minutes deep in thought, she settled upon the idea that she missed him so desperately simply because she thought things would never go back to how they once were.

She carefully climbed from his arms and placed her feet on the cool floor. She placed a hand over her mouth to muffle the sound of pain she made as she felt his stitches on her side pull. Placing a hand over the cut, she left his apartment and went into her own, grabbing her pile of blood-stained clothes on the way. She took a quick bath to clean the blood off of her and changed into a nightgown.

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