6 Months

30 2 0


"Austin, get your lazy ass out of bed." My dad banged on my door.

"Dad it's Saturday morning"

"Get out here right now, we need to talk!"

I slowly got out of my bed, and walked into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and washed my face. I walked out and opened my door, I walked into the kitchen and sat down.

"You're grades have been dropping"

"Since when do you care about my grades?"

"Since I want you out of this goddamn house, I want you to go to college, I don't want you sitting around here depending on me, when you turn 18 I'm kicking your ass out of here."

"Dad you can't just kick me out!"

I couldn't believe him, he couldn't kick me out. I turned 18 in 6 months. Where am I supposed to go?

"Watch me. Your mother isn't here to save you anymore."

"I can't believe you."

"I'll make you a deal, if you get your grades up by the time you turn 18 to all A's and B's then you can stay here until you go off to college, and get your own place."

"Thankyou" I said relieved.


"Dude that sucks" my best friend Nick spoke through my phone. I had just got done telling him about what happened.

"Yeah I know, and I have no idea how to get them up. I suck at studying so that's out, maybe I just need someone to do my work for me."

"Maybe you need someone to tutor you, I know that sounds lame, but it might help."

Nick was right majority of the time, so I eventually agreed to do it. I just didn't know any tutors around here, maybe I could get someone to offer. Nick and me wanted to go out for awhile to blow off some steam so I took a quick shower and threw on my faded jeans and black jacket and went out the door. Just as I was about to get into my car I saw one of the girls from school getting into her car. She looked somewhat familiar but I wouldn't remember. I got back into my car and drove off to meet nick.

I met up with him at the valley. The valley was the place we always hung out at. It was an old abandoned skate park that had graffiti everywhere. It looked pretty cool, so we always just met up there.

"Hey man" I said giving Nick a hug and patting his back.

Just then, Brad, Josh, and Matt showed up. "Hey guys what are you doing here?"

"Just got bored."

"Great, well I need to blow off some steam...so got any ideas?"

"Hmmm" Brad thought.

After a few minutes he said "well we could tra-"

"No don't even say it. That isn't even an option. I'm already in a ton of trouble I can't get in anymore. Just something fun."

"That is fun." Josh said.

"But we cant."

After awhile we ended up just adding more graffiti to the skate park. Then Matts brother came and brought us some beers and left. We drank for awhile and talked. Nick came over and sat down with me.

"What's up man?"

"I just don't know who to get to tutor me. I mean who would want to teach all 6 subjects? That's a lot!"

"Maybe you could pay them?"


"I just hope you get it figured out man."

"Me too."


We were all seated around our usual table when Kaylee walked up. Kaylee was the head bitch at school. She was my 'whenever I need to get laid I'll call you' girl. She sat down and hugged my arm tracing lines on it. I pretty much ignored her.

"I still don't know who to ask to tutor me." I looked to Nick sitting across from me.

"I could tutor you" Kaylee chimed in.

"You may be good in bed, but this is school."

She stood up from her spot and smacked me. "I hate you Austin" she stammered. I didn't feel bad, I was messing with her feelings just for fun.

"Come here." I said. She slowly sat down and I started making out with her. This went in for awhile until Nick tapped my shoulder making me look up.

"What?" I asked.

"You could ask one of them." he said looking over to three girls that just walked in. They were more on the nerdy side, but I needed all the help I could get.

"Hey I know that one." I said looking to one of the girls as she sat down. She was the girl outside the other day across the street from me. She must be my neighbor.

"Great, then ask her."

"Alright, I will after school."

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